200 Years of Women's Activism
A reception will be held on February 20 to celebrate a new exhibit
I am posting an announcement for the Norwich historical Society for an event that will be held to celebrate a new exhibit honoring 200 years of Norwich Women crafting the future.

Norwich Women Crafting the Future
200 Years of Women's Activism

Join us on Thursday, February 20th for a reception to celebrate our new exhibit. For 200 years Norwich women have advocated for change, taken a stand on abolition, temperance, the right to vote, and contributed to our schools and community.
They have sewn, knitted, and quilted. They have marched, petitioned, debated, and raised funds. They have fought for their rights and voices, and while doing so have crafted a better world.
February 2020
5:00 - 7:00 pm

Celebrate and honor their stories with us. Then join us on Sunday for our Annual Meeting and accompanying talk:

Annual Meeting and Talk
Why Women March: Then and Now, Cynthia Bittinger, Speaker
1:30 p.m. at the Norwich Grange

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