In this story/news release there is a link that you can click to register as a volunteer to ensure that this event will be a huge success. I have posted this early so that you can jump on the volunteer band wagon, and have moved the link to the front of the story.
Volunteers: please register, here.

Hosted by Town of Norwich & Friends of Class of 2020
Sponsored by the Norwich Lions
Dear Class of 2020, Your community is so proud of you and wants to celebrate you with a motorcade in your honor. We love you, we miss you! We want to celebrate you safely and cannot wait to shout hooray from a distance as you drive by!
WHO: 2020 Hanover High School graduates, adult family, friends and community supporters
WHAT: The Town of Norwich hosts the 2020 Marauder Motorcade to honor ALL 2020 Hanover High School graduates. Family, friends, high school staff, coaches, and community members will be waiting in anticipation along the route to celebrate graduates - the whole lot with signs, banners, balloons and cheers, making sure that graduates feel lauded, applauded and marauded every step of the way!
WHEN: Friday, June 12. Line-up begins at 4:00PM. Rolling procession send-off happens at 4:30PM sharp. You must be present for the send-off to be in the parade. No late-shows!
WHERE: Huntley Meadows to Dresden Fields in Norwich, VT
HAVE QUESTIONS?Email Andrea Nolon
WANT TO VOLUNTEER?Email Marianne Barthel
What should I drive, and how many people can be in my car?
All vehicles must be registered, insured, and driven by an adult.
Tractors, trailers, pick up trucks, and floats are allowed.
Graduates may ride in the back of pick-up trucks, trailers and floats but need to be sitting in safe positions within beds of trucks and trailers.
Maximum 4 graduates per pick up truck bed.
Maximum of 4 graduates per float or trailer, including one additional adult riding in the back and one adult driver.
ATVs, boats, scooters, bicycles and horses are not allowed.
What important regulations should I know about?
Students must be spaced 6-10 feet apart in open air truck beds or floats.
No congregating outside of cars.
Face masks are encouraged for everyone enjoying the parade.
Face shields will be provided to graduates during the Marauder Motorcade line-up.
Signs will be checked for appropriate content.
No sitting on, or hanging off, windows of cars or top of cars.
No thrown objects (candy, gifts, etc.).
You may open sun-roofs and stand up, but please no leaning out of side windows.
Graduates will be asked to immediately vacate Dresden Fields after motorcade.
Regular traffic rules apply when leaving the fields.
Students on floats will be picked up in the Farmer’s Market parking lot as the motorcade disperses.
What should I wear and bring?
What shouldn’t you wear? Wear your cap and gown! Decorate your car or float! Paint a banner! Paint your face! Spirit wear? Heck, yeah! Soccer kit? Of course! Feather boa and cowboy hat? You betcha! Wave your signs, flags, jerseys! This is a fun and joyful celebration of the HHS Class of 2020 - one darn special class!
What is the route?
The route begins at Huntley, turns right onto Main Street, continues to Route 5 and ends at the Farmer’s Market/Dresden Fields (total 1.79 miles).
Can I walk or ride my bike?
No. Graduates are asked to be in cars at all times.
Are dogs allowed?
Yes. Cats too, but animals must ride inside cars.
Where should I park if I am a volunteer or motorcade spectator?
Spectators can park on side streets (off Main Street), at Marion Cross School, the Norwich Library and the Norwich Inn. Parking is also available at King Arthur Flour in the rear parking lot and along the driveway. Please maintain social distancing and refrain from congregating in groups when parking.
Traffic volunteers should check in at Norwich PD.
Where should I view the motorcade?
Viewers are encouraged to cover the entire route so graduates feel the love every step of the way.
To assist in the most safe manner, we have created cheering stations in staggered spaces. Please try to limit spectators to 5 people per zone.
Viewers can also support from within their cars. Parking areas will be designated and visible along the route.
Please consider wearing a mask and be mindful of your trash.
Is there a rain date or weather contingency plan?
There is no rain date. The motorcade will motor on unless conditions are dangerous.
Cancellations will be determined by Chief Frank and the organizing committee, and determined by 3PM on June 12.
Updates will be communicated via this document, HHS channels, and social media.
How can I get involved if I want to help?
We need help with traffic patrol, parking, sign and vehicle checking, side-walk chalking, trash clean up, and other miscellaneous organization. Most importantly, we need enthusiastic sign and banner creators!
Volunteers: please register, here.
Email Marianne Barthel with questions.
Will there be Entertainment?
Yes! Hot 97.5 is creating a special playlist for 2020 Marauder Motorcade. Tune in and turn your radio up from 4:00-5:30pm!
SPECIAL THANK YOU: The Friends of Class of 2020 and Hanover High School senior parents are deeply grateful to Chief Frank and the Town of Norwich. Without their unwavering commitment and hard work, this event wouldn’t have been possible. We also thank the HHS Motorcade Planning Committee, the HHS ANP Committee, Hanover High School, Norwich PD and cadets, Norwich FD, Dan Fraser, The Norwich Select Board, The Norwich Lions Club, The Boy Scouts, and many more enthusiastic community members who have come together to support 2020 HHS graduates.

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