2023 Salute to the Military Services-An American Legion meeting with a twist (A photo essay)
An annual event but this one is filled with lot's of community spirit
There was lot’s of excitement at the American Legion Hall as the annual toast to the services event got underway. The toast of the services celebration is a toast to all the military members and their branch of service and wishes for a healthy and happy new year. This year was extra special as you will see some of the community organizations that attended and shared with us their mission statement and spoke about what their organization does for the community.
Our Post # 8 Commander, Jim Harlow welcomes all veterans, families and community members. norwichpost8@aol.com There was plenty of refreshments on hand also.
Our new Police Chief was on hand along with his guests and is greeted by Gary De Gasta
Robert Parker shares a little bit of history about Norwich’s farms
Bonnie Munday, Norwich Town clerk is recognized for her many years of service. She will be retiring this march.
Lion President Fran De Gasta talks about the Norwich Lions projects and programs
https://norwichlionsclub.org/ and also spoke on behalf of the Vermont Daughters of the American Revolution Thomas Chittenden Chapter, NSDAR in White River Junction, Vermont. https://www.dar.org/
Wade Cochran is welcomed as our new Police Chief and shares his goals of rebuilding the Police department. http://norwich.vt.us/contact-the-norwich-police-department/
Norwich Historical Society Director, Sarah Rooker, speaks to us about some of the projects that the NHS is currently working on. https://norwichhistory.org/
Carole Bibeau from the Norwich Women’s Club speaking to our group on some of the things that they are working on. https://www.norwichwomensclub.org/
Vincent W Archer, Post # 8’s newest member is being sworn in by the State of Vermont Department Commander Tom Scanlon.
State Department Commander Tom Scanlon shares the American Legion’s mission statement with the audience. https://vtlegion.org/commander.cfm
Dennis Brown, Commander of the Jeffrey S Holmes Post # 84 in White River Junction, Vermont introduces members of the post. https://www.legion.org/stories/why-i-love-my-post/jeffery-s-holmes-post-no-84-white-river-junction-vt
Commander Jim Harlow introduces Lois Green who had a special presentation to make
And proud to make this presentation to her son CSM Jeffrey S Goodrich. The quilt was made by Dot Plume.
Thetford Post # 79 Commander Fred Adams makes his remarks and introduces his members as Jim Harlow looks on with an approving smile.
A toast to each Military Service Branch is read
As members get ready to lift there glasses for a taste ( with a non-alcoholic beverage of course).