Good evening Norwich,
It seems as though there are some new puppies in town thanks to the various pet rescue projects in the Upper Valley. This is a story about the day and a life of two pups that were recued from Louisiana recently. I first met them at the crosswalk as they were both being held by Sarah, who was taking her children to school.
Read on to see what their typical day in their life is like.
Photos courtesy of Sarah Logan
Coco and Levi in a puppy pile
I am Coco and my brother is Levi and we moved to Norwich, VT about 3 weeks ago from Louisiana. We are both rescue pups from different litters who needed homes. We joined the wild and crazy Logan Yen household which has 4 kids (Dylan, Braden, Aislin, and Eilise) and 2 parents (Sarah and Chris). Now we are a family of 8!
Coco, Aislin and Elise
It’s been good so far. It’s a lot cooler up here in the sticks. We typically start our day around 5:45 am by whining patiently in our crates downstairs. Around 5:46 am our whines evolve to yelps. At 5:47 am a hyena -like screech ensues, which usually gets a quick response from mom or dad. One of them runs downstairs muttering things under their breath to let us out to pee. We have little bladders and Levi notoriously doesn’t make it outside before relieving himself. It’s really not his fault.
At around 5:52 am we eat breakfast in our crates. We savor our meal for a total of 37 seconds. After eating, we both jump up on the white couches and fall asleep again. We aren’t sure why our parents got white couches 15 yrs ago, they now have lots of stains. We snore in a puppy pile while our parents stumble over to the coffee machine. Power on.
Shortly after a stampede comes down the stairs. The human children rumble down in desperation for breakfast. Waffles, yogurt cheerios. Sometimes all three at once. Sometimes we wake up to look for scraps under their chairs, then we mosey over to fall asleep again.
We spend the next few hours napping while the kids get hauled off to school and the parents get hauled off to work. Someone is always spilling something and someone is always forgetting something. It’s very loud. Someone comes to let us out a few times during the day. And Levi still leaks on the floor most of the time, he’s just so exited!
When the kids get home from school we like to play outside on our leashes. We chase each other and the kids and our tails. We like sniffing around and eating rocks and sticks. Sometimes Levi eats ants and sometimes he even swallows them.
We eat dinner in about 37 seconds and nap on the couch again while the parents clean up and fold laundry. I like to sleep on the laundry basket and Levi likes to chew socks.
We go outside one more time before bed and sometimes get scared by the noises outside. Then we curl up and sleep like the rest of the house until 5:45 am the next day!
Coco, Levi and Dylan
Coco in a car seat heading out on a joy ride
Coco and Braden just chilling out and taking in a book
And some well deserved quiet time after a full day
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