Good evening Norwich,
This is a story of a Wall of Kindness, an idea that has become a reality.
I am taking a few moments in the below paragraph to explain how this Wall of Kindness fits the general description of the word “ Wall”.
Here is the meaning of the word ‘Wall’ according to an on line definition;
A wall is a structure and a surface that defines an area; carries a load; provides security, shelter, or soundproofing; or, is decorative.
How does the above definition of a wall relate to this Wall of Kindness?
This wall is a structure newly built with a purpose in mind.
This wall does define an area (the side of the Dan and Whit’s building next to the bench area.
This wall carries a load of coats and hats gloves etc.
This wall certainly provides security to those who wear the coats hats and gloves etc. especially in this winter wonderland that we call home.
This wall provides soundproofing through the clothes that are worn to fend off the cold and protect against the chilling and howling winds that we sometimes have around here.
This Wall is decorative in that it adorns a side of the building that without the wall would just be another side of the building.
I reached out to Don Mccabe and asked if he could tell me more about this idea that soon became a reality and he provided me with some background on the wall:
The movement to exchange winter clothing, in a free and anonymous way, began in Iran with public walls displaying jackets. Those in need could just take a coat to keep warm during the winter season.
The idea quickly spread around the world so that there are Walls Of Kindness in many nations. Locally, DHMC, Alice Peck Day Hospital, and the Haven have free clothing exchanges. Dan &Whit’s is the latest home to this idea thanks to the enthusiastic sponsorship by Dan Fraser.
Norwich families are welcome to add their lightly used winter jackets, hats, mitts, or boots to the Wall Of Kindness to be shared with anyone who visits Dan & Whit’s.
What a difference a day makes, since I posted this story the Wall has lived up to it’s name and has met the conditions of the above definition, as the below photo will show the many items that been donated.
Hopefully someone will come by that can really use these items.