Good morning Norwich,
This weeks puzzle is a fitting one as it is in honor of the start of another school year and about the Norwich school soon after it’s construction in 1898. Thanks to Cameron Cross and the Norwich Historical society, I get to share this with my readers.
Enjoy your day.
Here's your Sunday jigsaw:
In honor of the start of another school year, this shows the Norwich School
sometime after its construction in 1898.
Electricity had arrived, but paved roads and ubiquitous cars were still to
Note the grassy strip running down Church Street!
Cameron Cross
for the
Norwich Historical Society <
And here is this weeks news at the Marion Cross school
Who's Wise Words 8.30.24
Important Dates
Monday, September 2 - Holiday, School Closed
Monday, September 9 - School Picture Day
Thursday, September 12 - 4:30 - 6:45 Back to School Night
Monday, October 14 - Holiday, School Closed
Friday, October 25 - Conferences - No School for Students
Monday, November 11 - Holiday, School Closed
Thursday, November 14 - 5:30 - 6:30 - Math Night
Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29 - Holiday, School Closed
Marion Cross School Website Calendar SAU 70 All School/District Website Calendar
Message From The Principal
Welcome to the start of an amazing school year! Having students back makes our school campus a much happier and more joyful place. After a summer of pipes clanking, heavy equipment noises, and construction projects, student voices are a welcome sound.
The first weeks of school are full of teaching routines. Classrooms have worked with students to establish morning, lunch, outdoor, playground, and classroom learning routines. In addition, many classes have been out to the garden and forest to learn about using those spaces. You are all helping by building in morning routines that help your children arrive on time each morning. Students are so much more successful when they start the day on time with their peers. The amount of tardy students this week was practically zero!
There are a few reminders that will make next week even better:
Please remember to not park along Girard Way. That road should be avoided during morning drop off and afternoon pick up so that the buses are able to safely load and unload. You are welcome to use the parking lot at the St. Barnabas church for parking during these times.
The loop on Church Street is designated as a drop off only location. If you plan to get out of your vehicle, then please select another location. The traffic tends to back up into the road, so a quick drop off is required in this location.
After day #3, the lost and found is already beginning to form. If you write your child’s name on the tags of clothing, it will ensure that lost items find their owners.
Please be sure to contact Joy Smollin, our receptionist if you have a change in afternoon plans. It is very busy during the last hour of the day, so calling early in the day is best. We have also shared with students that Joy, as much as she would like to assist, does not have the capacity to make calls to arrange after school play dates. We have had several students come to the office at the end of the day asking her to call parents for this reason.
In closing, I would like to express my sincere thank you for trusting us with your children. It is a pleasure to spend my days working with MCS students, staff, and families. MCS is a special place!
Have a lovely three day weekend,
Student Services Update
Welcome Back Everyone!
It is awesome to see all of our returning students and adding all of the new students to the Marion Cross School Community.
We all begin the new school year with excitement and maybe a little nervousness. I wanted to use the first newsletter of the year to explain a little more about our student support structures at MCS.
First of all, if you have any type of concern (social, emotional, behavioral, academic, etc.) about your student, the best person to start a conversation with is your child’s homeroom teacher. That teacher can work with you to decide the best way to improve the situation.
If this is a new concern, teachers typically have the expertise to assist the student on their own. We also hold weekly informal Kid Talk discussions, when teachers are able to get other MCS staff’s assistance and slightly more formal Education Support Team (EST) meetings, where a plan to support the student is developed with family input.
Of course there are more intensive plans such as Section 504 Plans and Individual Education Plans (IEPs). Regardless of the support, we follow best practice by supporting students in an environment that is most like the child’s peers (least restrictive environment).
If you have any questions about student support, please feel free to reach out to me.
Sincerely, Greg
Counselor's Corner
Hello MCS Community,
It’s wonderful to be back at school and see everyone. Over the next two weeks in class counsel I’ll be making my rounds through all of the grades and once I’ve gotten to meet with each class we will begin our SEL curriculum. If you have a student who you feel could use some extra support as the year progresses please reach out and we can set up a time to talk. You can reach me via phone 802-649-1703 ext. 5116 or email
Take care,
Ms. Keel
School News and Information
Save the Date - First ALL SCHOOL REP! Thursday, September 4, 2024 at 2:20 in the Multi. We will sing all together and celebrate the first whole class/grade performances to launch our special MCS tradition.
Music News
What a great first week it’s been in the music room! It has been so wonderful to see everyone again. We’ve been spending lots of time singing and playing instruments together again. Students in 3rd grade are about to begin playing recorders, 4th graders are ready to start their second year of recorders, 5th graders are making tough decisions about which band instrument to learn, and 6th graders are beginning to pick music for this year’s concerts and learn what it takes to host our traditional Rep gatherings. So many exciting things going on! Just x quick reminders…
Your 5th grade student will be bringing home this letter about band. If it doesn’t make it home to you, could you please complete it and return it to the music room?
Your 3rd or 4th grader may be super excited about playing recorder … and might ask to bring their own instrument to school. We actually already have recorders for everyone, so their recorder can stay at home. If you would like a book to borrow for their home practicing efforts, please let me know!
French news, par Mihaela LaRoche
French class is happy to have all students back to school! La rentrée in France is always on Sep. 1st and covers multiple areas of societal life from education, politics, editorial publications, journalism, entertainment, to fashion and athleticism. It is a revival after a 2-month long summer vacation for most people.
At MCS we start by raising awareness about the current international sporting event that is the Paris Paralympic Games. Students learn as much as they share about people who overcome physical limitations and excel in a given domain. As the ancient original motto would have it, we go higher, stronger, faster: Citius, Altius, Fortius !
Students already have favorite bits and pieces that they bring forward in what is a substantive review of French language and cultural agreements. New units and projects to follow.
A group for parents/caregivers of students with disabilities will meet monthly again this year. If you are interested, please contact for information.
Courtesy Community Interest Posts
22 Church Street
Norwich, Vermont