Hello Norwich and Upper Valley readers,
I recently stopped in to the Norwich Inn as I heard there was a group of musicians who would be practicing some tunes and sharing their music, and having a great time doing it. I took the photos below as they were setting things up and tried to get all in the photos. It was a bit of a chore though as they moved into the main restaurant part of the Inn due to some renovations that were happening that evening.
I did manage to get a video of a Bob Dylan song that they played titled: I’ll be your baby tonight.
View my shared video:
iCloud link available until Mar 31
See the end of this story for a notice from the Inn regarding these renovations
The “Hootenanny” group if you will would like to invite you to see what they are all about.
Come to the Norwich Inn on Monday evenings for a live HOOTENANNY, typically held in the Newhart Room from 6-8pm. The group features Joe Stallsmith and friends who have been getting together for more than 10 years. Originally at Salt Hill in Hanover, the group kept up with their music during Covid by gathering in each other's yards to play and then at the Loch Lyme Lodge "barn". A few years ago, Dave Burtonbush, the Innkeeper of the Norwich Inn, graciously invited them to play at the Inn where they have expanded their numbers and have made many new friends.
Folks sit in and play along, or sit back and enjoy Americana, folk and bluegrass classics: unplugged and unpredictable, but always fun. The Hoot is a nice complement to the many open mics and jam sessions in our area: a pub sing where each player gets to lead a song as we move around the circle. The people and players are great, whether there to listen or to play along. There's always room for both!
During the week of March 3, the Norwich Inn is completing some renovations so the Hoot will be happening downstairs near the wine cellar. The bar will remain open each evening during the closure, featuring a selection of prepared salads & appetizers to enjoy while you sip. Come on down & enjoy the tunes!!!
Here is the notice with additional info that I saw posted in the Norwich Listserv and thought I would share it with you.
10. Temporary Closure Jasper Murdock's Alehouse @ The Norwich Inn
From: "" <dave@norwichinn.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2025 08:46:24 -0800
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Temporary Closure Announcement
Big things are happening! We’re installing a brand-new walk-in cooler to
serve you even better and refinishing the floors in the Newhart Room. Our
restaurant will be closed next Monday, 3/3, through Thursday, 3/6, but
don’t worry—we’ll be back to our normal hours on Friday, 3/7!
The bar will remain open each evening during the closure, featuring a
selection of prepared salads & appetizers to enjoy while you sip.
Thank you for your patience—we can’t wait to see you all again on Friday!
Thanks! Dave Burtonbush
Battle of the Guitars? No just a friendly group of folks banding together to share their music and have some fun. Why not join them.
Thanks for reading and supporting my newsletter about Norwich.