A homework assignment from the principal of MCS just before the start of school
Who knows it could be a fun assignment after all
Hello Norwich,
It is time to hit the books if you have schoolchildren at the MCS
Marion Cross School
Shawn Gonyaw
Greg Bagnato
Coordinator of Student Services
Message From The Principal
Hello MCS Families,
The new school year is just around the corner. I have a very important family homework assignment that is loads and loads of fun. If you have not yet signed into the PowerSchool portal and completed the registration forms, it would be amazing if you could do that ASAP. We take safety seriously at MCS. The start of the year forms update our contact information and let us know who to contact in case of emergency. Please consider taking a few minutes today to complete these forms.
If you are a new family and did not receive a copy of our Community Read, Watercress, copies will be available for pick-up in the library.
Since my message to you in Who's Wise Words, we have changed food vendors for the food service program. We are working out the menu, and other details this week. You will get an update before the first student day.
Finally, please remember to come to visit classrooms and our school on Tuesday August 30 from 2:30-3:00. We are all excited to see kids and families at our school.
Thanks in advance for completing the registration forms!
22 Church Street, Norwich, VT 05055
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