Message From The Principal
As this will be the last Cross Words of 2020, I would like to express my sincere thanks to each of you for helping us make school happen for kids. So far, 2020 has required a true team effort...and I am thankful to work with a flexible, talented staff and with families who are willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of our students. With any luck, 2021 will allow us to begin a return to some form of normal!
Please remember that on next Monday and Tuesday we will have remote learning days for children in grades K-6. By this time, everyone should have received a communication from the classroom teacher that shares the schedule, Zoom links, and any other relevant information. If you have not received this information, please reach out to your child’s teacher. PreK students will come in person, as will some students who have connectivity issues. If you run into any difficulties next Monday or Tuesday please feel free to contact the school and ask for Mr. Gonyaw or Mr. Bagnato. We are both happy to assist you.
Even though the vacation will look different this year, I am certain that each of you will find joy in spending time with your immediate family members. I can’t wait to hear from your children about the fun memories made with their immediate family members to close out 2020.
Stay well,
Important Dates
Remote Learning Days for All Students, December 21 and 22
Holiday Break, No School Wednesday, December 23 - Friday, January 1
Holiday, School Closed - Monday, January 18
School News and Information
Message From Mr. Bagnato
Next Monday and Tuesday we will be having school remotely. Your child's teachers have or, will shortly be sending you a schedule.
I am sending you this document as it might help you understand zooming requirements and how to enable more streaming capability in your house.
Good luck and if you need anything, please reach out.
Greg Bagnato
Coordinator of Student Support Services
I just received the total donation tally from Willing Hands of what they received from our school gardens. It was an amazing 674 pounds this year! We raised, harvested, and donated potatoes, onions, corn, carrots, squash, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, lettuce, and swiss chard.
Thank you to all the classes who participated in the harvest and all the parents and families who helped over the summer to keep the garden watered, weeded, and bug free. It really made a difference for the people in the Upper Valley community who were in need of fresh produce this year. Willing Hands was able to double the number of people they served based on the increased donations and volunteerism.
Thank you so much to everyone.
Lindsay (LEEEP)
Friends of Hanover Norwich Schools
Please join the Friends in making our schools stronger, and supporting projects that enrich the student experience. This year, the Friends made a major rapid-response grant to SAU70 to help underwrite Covid-19 expenses and the important work of the Equity Committee. We also increased our funding of supplies and teacher-led initiatives that will enrich the curriculum and make our schools safer. Other recent grants include funding for a district-wide curriculum review, books for young readers, science and art materials, Responsive Classroom training, and support for an LGBTQ+ workshop. Learn more and make a contribution at Thank you!
From the Health Office:
We wish all a very happy and healthy holiday break. This time of year is definitely different than other years. The Marion Cross community has been so fortunate to remain in-person at school. We really appreciate the community’s commitment to working together to keep Marion Cross safe and healthy. It is exciting that there have been some people in the Upper Valley that have or will receive the COVID vaccine. Even with the vaccine, safety precautions will need to continue.
Please remember if you have to go anywhere, these three things should be in place:
1)Masks on faces
2) six-foot spaces
3)uncrowded places. If all three are not present, please consider leaving where you are visiting for your health and safety.
What Families Need to Know from the Vermont Health Department:
The Health Department strongly advises against non-essential travel, even within Vermont. All travel to and from Vermont requires quarantine.
• Vermonters are not allowed to socially gather with people they don’t live with. This includes gathering both inside and outside, and in public and private spaces.
• Visitors to Vermont can only socialize with the people they are traveling with. They cannot gather with Vermonters in their home or elsewhere.
If you MUST travel outside of Vermont, please remember the following:
If you travel out of Vermont whether for a day trip or longer, you must quarantine in Vermont when you return for 14 days. Day 1 of your quarantine starts the day after you arrive in Vermont. If you haven't had any symptoms of COVID-19, you also have the option to seek a PCR test on or after Day 7 to end quarantine early with a negative result. You must continue to monitor yourself for symptoms for the full 14 days.
If you are visiting outside Vermont for a longer period, and you will travel back to Vermont in a personal vehicle (including a rental vehicle or private plane), you may complete either a 14-day quarantine or if you have not had any symptoms of COVID-19, a 7-day quarantine followed by a negative PCR test in the state where you are visiting. Continue to quarantine from when you receive your test result until you travel to Vermont. You may then enter Vermont without further quarantine restrictions. You must continue to monitor yourself for symptoms for the full 14 days.
What’s The Difference Between COVID-19 Rapid and PCR Tests?
Testing for COVID-19 has tremendous value when it comes to trying to contain the spread of the COVID virus. The types of tests available can be confusing. According to the state of Vermont, when a COVID test is requested to reenter school, it must be a COVID-19 PCR test.
Antigen test (frequently referred to as a rapid test).Tests for protein fragments specific to the Coronavirus Results are very quick- as soon as 15 minutes- Rapid tests are more accurate in patients who are having symptoms of COVID- People without symptoms, can have a false negative test with the rapid test (50% chance)- If someone has a negative rapid test but has symptoms, then they should have a PCR test done to confirm results.·
PCR test- The required test for return to school. The most accurate test-detects genetic material from the virus.- Can detect the virus in people that have no symptoms- Results take longer- times range between 24 hours and 3 days depending where the test is done and if the demand is high (especially around holidays).
Up to date information related to COVID data in Vermont
New Food Pantry information for residents of Hanover and Norwich
There's a new food pantry in the region. It's supported by the Haven, hosted (outside) by The Church of Christ at Dartmouth College, and organized by the Hanover Community Food Security Team. It operates Saturdays from 11 am-1 pm, in the church's driveway (40 College Street). It is open to anyone who's short on food. No registration needed but masks will be required.
Questions: (802) 222-7337 or
Third Grade Learned about Hand Hygiene- using a black light, students were able to see the spots that are commonly missed with hand hygiene. They were able to see the before and after of handwashing. They also looked at Handwashing Data that showed the missed spots on a hand picture (included below).
In kindergarten, Maîtresse/Madame Litten was asking students questions about their stuffies, which they brought in for a class celebration.
PTO Bulletin Board
Giving Tree
Be sure to check out this year's Giving Tree and consider a purchase for your child or children's classroom, or for one of our wonderful specials teachers and support staff. The Giving Tree is filled with items teachers have specifically requested for their classrooms. The link is For anything you order online, please ship to Marion Cross School, ATTN: Giving Tree, 22 Church Street, Norwich, VT 05055. If you purchase a gift card or something else in person, you can drop it off in the PTO box in the vestibule, or next to the box if it's too big. Please be sure to label your item/envolope with: Giving Tree - (Teacher/Classroom). Thank you in advance for your generosity. If you have specific questions about Giving Tree, please contact PTO Giving Tree chair and MCS parent Erin Desilva at
Have a great weekend!