A Photo essay for you and another chance to join in on the fun.
Check out the breathtaking photos
Hello Norwich,
These photos were sent to me by Emma Cottage who participated in the Nordic Night event sponsored by the Norwich Recreation department this past Saturday evening.
Click on this link to see a short video taken by Emma Cottage explaining the evening
After you check out the video and photos, why not take a moment to sign up for the next one. Here is some info on how to do that and a message from Brie Swenson, Norwich recreation director.
Our first ‘Nordic at Night’ was a pretty convincing success. Thank you to everyone who volunteered: The Phipps Family for traffic control, Lily Trajman for helping choose and mark the trail early, on site lantern lighters Kristin and Stuart Close (and their friend Linnea), Kristin Fauci, Emma Cottage, Colleen Fox, the Manning Family for lantern clean up, UVLT’s Paul B (it was his BIRTHDAY), Joel & Elissa Bradley. You all brought this crazy idea together, and we thank you. If I am forgetting anyone, I apologize. You can find photos of the event here: https://norwichvt.myrec.com/info/gallery/default.aspx?CategoryID=236#photos . We will host two more Nordic at Night events - sign up on our website
To keep up to date on the offerings from Norwich Recreation this winter, please make sure to check back here: https://norwichvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29937
A nice fire to take away the chill as the participants chill out and about skiing or walking the trails.
And the lights shine bright and just waiting for the night
Entrance to the event
Kristin Fauci bringing in some supplies for the event
Brie, Kristin Brown Close and a friend
And a view of one of the trails
Jane Lemasurier waiting for the rest of the family
Jane, Graham and their two children, David and Nora
There is Graham and yes he will catch up
Just taking in the beautiful site
This can be a fun event for the whole family
Laura Gray and Kate Barlow serving hot chocolate. Bringing awareness to the Norwich Farm need for pledges.