A Thank You to all Veterans (a photo essay of the Memorial Day parade, and ceremony
A beautiful sunny day to honor and remember our veterans
The Norwich Memorial Day Observance was held on Sunday, May 28. There were honor ceremonies at Hillside Cemetery , at the bridge on Beaver Meadow Road and onto Fairview Cemetery for honors at Alden Partridge’s gravesite. From there, the group marched to the Veterans Memorial Area near the flag at Tracy Hall for remarks and honors, and concluded with the National Anthem.
The public joined us at the representative stops to honor all U.S. military members who lost their lives while serving our country. The Observance was followed by the traditional free hotdogs & lemonade picnic on the green, along with a mini concert of military service music courtesy of the Upper Valley Community Band. We thank all who attended this event at Tracy Hall and stayed to enjoy the picnic, the music, and the company of others who were remembering our fallen heroes.
Editors note: I received some photos from Jenny Barba and Matt Swett and some were taken for me. If anyone has any others specifically from the Fairview cemetery and Hillside ceremony and the Band concert please send them to aboutnorwich@gmail.com.
This is why we celebrate Memorial Day
Post Chaplain James Maguire delivers the prayer and remembrance speech
The Honor Guard at the ready
Aiming and Firing their weapons for the salute to the fallen ceremony
And now proceeding onto Main Street
Heading down Main Street and looking sharp as usual
At the town hall and getting ready to turn onto Church St.
The Honor Guard getting set up and in position for start of ceremony
And the veterans and fire department crew standing tall at attention
Command Sergeant Major Jeff Goodrich at the ready to raise the flag
Captain Emily Myers is the master of ceremonies for this event
Major Ethan Myers delivers the memorial day speech
And a very somber speech it was
And a solid and sincere salute from a veteran and his service dog
As the crowd applauds
And the refreshments are ready to be served and the boys scouts do their part to help out.
And now it is time for refreshments
And the line is long which means the food must be good
And some time for a one on one
All smiles here
And here also - Jenny Barba and Specialist 4th class Christopher Coughlin
Here is a breakdown of the parade by groups
Honor guard
The American Legion Rifle/ Honors team
Our Veterans
Followed by the Norwich Lions Club
And the Boys Scouts
The Norwich Fire department
A group photo of our Norwich Fire department detail for this event
A special thanks to all who made this event a success to include The Norwich Fire department, Brie Swenson and the recreation department, the DPW crew from Building and grounds specifically Ben and Tyler. Linda Cook who assisted with traffic control, The Upper valley band, the Norwich Police department, and last but not least the Town of Norwich for providing the support and funding for this event.
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