An Act of Kindness from the MCS PTO
They coordinated with teachers to purchase books for every MCS student
Hello Norwich and Upper Valley residents and readers. There are many acts of kindness that are happening every day during this COVID-19 pandemic, and these acts help people deal with the present situation that we are all in.
This story, however will demonstrate an act of kindness that will benefit the students of Marion Cross for years to come, as these books will be read today and hopefully again in the future, perhaps by a sibling in the family or another student.

Emily sorts the books into the appropriate bags for delivery to the teachers

The MCS PTO worked closely with the Norwich Bookstore to purchase the books

Aidan is picking up the books at the Norwich Bookstore

Maive is loading the books into the car for delivery to MCS
The MCS PTOÂ coordinated with the teachers to purchase a book for each and every MCS student. Â These books will be going out with the next supply of materials.

Photo credit for these photos courtesy of Emily Bradley

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