I took this photo today while on my way down to do the story on the bell ringing event at noon. While taking the photo, I got the idea to have a FaceTime session with my grandson to get his thoughts on Earth day. This story includes the interview questions.
Poster at the Bulletin Board across from the town hall
My grandson Billy doing his part for earth day
Just a small portion of his collection
Here are the questions I asked and his answers.
What's your favorite place on earth to visit?  Hawaii
What's one thing you can recycle?  Plastic
What's your favorite thing to do outside?  play football, gardening and fishing
What's one thing you and we can do as a family to have less trash?  reuse bottles and containers
What's your favorite kind of animal?  I like every kind of animal
Why is it important to care about our Earth?  so that people, animals and plants can live
What is your favorite thing to do in the water?  fishing and swimming
Which season is your favorite and why?  Fall. I like its coolness and warmth and apples and pumpkins
What's your favorite kind of flower?  daffodils and roses
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