An interesting puzzle this week! and a photo or two
And some news you might be able to use from MCS
Good morning Norwich,
Here is this weeks puzzle brought to you by the Norwich Historical Society along with the weekly newsletter from the Marion Cross School.
But first a few photos:
This little snapper was spotted at the golf course just soaking up the sun on the 4th hole. It didn’t seem like this turtle was in any hurry to finish the course.
Hey don’t rush me, can’t you see I am planning my route?
Just waiting for the bees to arrive
The colors on this butterfly and the background of the hardtop blend in nicely
And speaking of hard top .. a recent paving project at MCS parking lot
Let’s pose for a quick photo and maybe he will leave us alone
Photo session is over. It’s time to go
Okay it is now time to tackle the puzzle
18. Jigsaw Puzzle
From: Cameron Cross <cross.cameron@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2024 23:00:00 -0400
Here's your Sunday jigsaw: https://jigex.com/HEo74
Looking north from the Elm and Main intersection in Norwich in the 1940s.
Taken just a few feet away from last week's puzzle picture.
The building on the left has been replaced. Note ALA sign, similar to this
one. <https://norwichhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/ALA-sign.png>
The American Legal Association
was a precursor to AAA.
Present-day Google Street view
Cameron Cross
for the
Norwich Historical Society
Important Dates
Monday, September 9 - School Picture Day
Thursday, September 12 - 4:30 - 6:45 Back to School Night
Monday, October 14 - Holiday, School Closed
Friday, October 25 - Conferences - No School for Students
Monday, November 11 - Holiday, School Closed
Thursday, November 14 - 5:30 - 6:30 - Math Night
Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29 - Holiday, School Closed
Marion Cross School Website Calendar SAU 70 All School/District Website Calendar
Message From The Principal
Good afternoon MCS Community,
This year, I am going to dedicate one Who’s Wise Words each month to do a brief Norwich School Board meeting review. Typically, unless there is a big issue topic, we get only 2-5 community members at school board meetings. The purpose is to give you a broad overview of topics that will spark your interest and cause you to either go to BoardDocs to read the minutes or contact one of our fantastic school board members to ask questions. Here is my quick overview:
The board adopted budget guidelines for the 2024-2025 school year that ask that the MCS portion of the Norwich budget have a 0% increase. You can find the details about the budget guidelines in BoardDocs.
Sarah Rinehimer, one of our first grade teachers, presented about her professional development trip to the Galapagos Islands to create a curriculum for the first grade unit about life cycles and animal adaptations. This was funded through an Enrichment Grant.
PTO president Leah Fosco shared a report with the school board with details about what has been accomplished, goals for the year, and current happenings.
There was a discussion about moving MCS 6th graders to RMS. The board decided to learn more about the space capacity at RMS, the differences between the two programs, and the impact (both positive and negative) that this move would have on the budget. It was decided to allow for a space study and then revisit the topic in March.
Greg Bagnato shared the results of the VTCAP assessment. This is the state assessment that all students in grades 3-6 take across the state of Vermont. We had an average proficiency level of 85% of students in grades 3-6, which is far above the state average. We were thrilled that 90% of our 6th graders were proficient or above in ELA and 85% of 6th graders were proficient or above in mathematics. The presentation can be found on BoardDocs.
Superintendent Badams report was primarily to share what he has learned about implementing a policy allowing MCS staff to have their children attend MCS. Next month the board will review a draft policy.
Business Manager Jamie Teague shared about the status of the many projects - septic, heating, kitchen, floors, electrical, and playground. It is impressive how much has been accomplished on our campus in such a short amount of time.
There you have the Norwich School Board meeting in review! The next meeting will be on October 1st at 6:30PM in the MCS library. If you happen to want more information you can contact any of the school board members using the information below OR you can go to BoardDocs by following this link.
Garrett Palm, Chair garrett.palm@hnsb.org
Michael Costa, Vice Chair michael.costa@hnsb.org
Neil Odell, Secretary neil.odell@hnsb.org
Lisa Christie lisa.christie@hnsb.org
Lily Trajman lily.trajman@hnsb.org
Have a great weekend,
Student Services Update
Back to School Night (B2SN) is Thursday, September 12th from 4:30pm - 6:45pm.
This is an important event to attend, as families will get to meet their student’s teachers and learn a lot more about the programs at MCS.
We have made some changes from last year in order to increase time with homeroom and specials teachers. Please see the schedule below:
4:30-6:15 - specials teachers will all be available in the library (open house format)
5:00-5:45 - session 1 in your child’s homeroom or designated grade level space.
6:00-6:45 - session 2 same as session 1.
Each grade level is working out the specifics, so look for information directly from your child’s teacher.
As this is an adult only event, there will also be a child care opportunity which is being set up as a fundraiser for the Junior Class at Hanover High School. I will send out another message with more information when this is finalized.
School News and Information
Volunteer Opportunities-
We have a wide-range of volunteer opportunities available both during and outside of school hours throughout the district. Please take a minute to fill out this brief questionnaire to let us know what activities you would be interested in learning more about for the 2024-25 school year. Teal Parker, our Coordinator of Volunteers, will be in touch with more details as events/activities arise.
In addition, if you are interested in volunteering but have not yet gone through the background check process, please fill out this form and we will be in touch to get the process started for you.
A group for parents/caregivers of students with disabilities will meet monthly again this year. If you are interested, please contact anniehoen@gmail.com for information.
News from the Nurse
I am enjoying seeing all the kids once again and thank you for trusting me to help care for them when they are sick or injured.
If you have not completed all the registration, please do so taking special care to enter when their latest Well-Child visit was and last dental check up. I have to report on this each year to the state and having accurate information reflects our school community best. If your child has received any new immunizations in the last year please get this to me as well. Thank you for your help with this!
With a new school year comes plenty of illness. I have seen a number of Covid cases, strep and norovirus. Below are the guidelines for Covid. As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Be well,
Nurse Jane
The CDC updated COVID illness/recovery guidelines to match the guidelines for flu and other respiratory illnesses.
People who suspect they have Covid are asked to consider testing but are not required. If the test is positive for Covid you no longer need to be isolated for five days. Please let the nurse know if you are positive so I can report it to the state.
The CDC’s new guidance now matches public health advice for flu and other respiratory illnesses:
Stay home when you’re sick, but you may return to school or work once you’re feeling better and you’ve been without a fever for at least 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil).
The CDC still encourages people to play it safe for five days after they are feeling better. That includes masking around vulnerable people (including, but not limited to, those with weakened immune systems, elderly, those with heart or lung conditions, diabetes) and opening windows to improve the flow of fresh air when indoors.
As always, the SAU #70 Health Offices encourage you to stay home when you are sick!
Mosquito bites and illness: Simple steps to keep you safe
This August, health officials in Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire each reported cases of Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV). EEEV is an illness that mosquitoes can spread to people and animals, but it doesn't happen often.
Following a few simple steps can help you stay safe while enjoying your favorite outdoor activities.
Take 5 minutes to read our most recent article that explores:
How to stay safe
Symptoms to watch for
When to see a doctor
Elizabeth A. Talbot, MD, an infectious disease and international health specialist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center advises, "Everyone should get outdoors during this beautiful season, but do so safely." Yes, there is a risk from mosquitos, but that risk can be lowered with a few simple steps."
From all of us at Dartmouth Health, we wish you a healthy and safe end of summer season.
Dear MCS Families,
Welcome to P.E. with Mr. Petrone. This year, I am very excited to be working with the children to develop their physical fitness skills and awareness. I’ve spent over twenty years in elementary education trying to get students to sit still. Now, I get to keep them moving! The first few weeks have been fun, and I’m looking forward to the year ahead.
Students in PK-2 have been practicing understanding of our gym space and personal boundaries. Hula Hoop Tag and Traffic Time in the Garage are a few games we played to practice safe and respectful movements. In grades 3-5 students participated in activities that promote teamwork. During our Hula Hoop Relay and Cone Flip Treasure Hunt students worked in teams to achieve a common goal while self-monitoring their role in these fitness adventures. SIxth Graders started their PE time walking and talking about fitness components. So far, we’ve discussed the benefits of strength and flexibility, both physically and emotionally. During our Tabata fitness routines, students explored interval training and worked together to complete exercise challenges within a structured time frame.
Please make sure your child comes to school with proper gym shoes on P.E. days. It’s important for students to have supportive footwear as they perform various movement activities. I do have some extra shoes available in my office, but I’d welcome any donations of lightly used footwear to have available here at school. Thanks for considering.
Mr. Petrone
Courtesy Community Interest Posts
22 Church Street
Norwich, Vermont
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