A sign for the times and a need for an angel or two!
Two public service announcements for you to view
Good morning Norwich
Check out these two public service announcements if you wish and have yourself a nice sunny day.
I received this e-mail from Molly and thought it would be a nice info piece to share for those that might be interested. And like Molly states “ No Pressure”.
NO PRESSURE, but the library has a cute fundraiser going on, where you can rent their sign for a day in May and put a message up there. There are still a bunch of days left. I emailed some of you who I know have birthdays in your families, or anniversaries, or just want to put a fun message up there (or prom proposal?)
Again, absolutely no pressure, I just wanted to spread the word if you haven't heard of it yet.
Have a great day,
Molly Gentine
I received this announcement request from William W. Young
Seeking AT Volunteers—Only Angels Need Apply
Appalachian Trail angels
'Trail Angel' is a term of endearment given to people who have provided Trail magic in the form of direct kindness and generosity to hikers. Volunteer trail maintainers, though not typically referred to as “trail angels,” keep the magic of the Appalachian Trail alive.
Trail Magic - Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Area residents have long enjoyed a tradition of supporting Appalachian Trail (AT) hikers as they navigate the local portion of the 2100-mile trail from Georgia to Maine, which passes directly through Norwich and Hanover. This support, provided by an organized group of Upper Valley residents often referred to as “Trail Angels,” comes in many forms, including hosting hikers overnight, shuttling hikers for food and gear resupply or to other locations on the trail, or providing trailside coolers with drinks and other refreshments.
Many local businesses have a long tradition of offering hikers free food, including a free donut at Lou’s, a free pizza slice at Ramunto’s, and a free day-old sandwich at Dan and Whit’s, as a means of saying “welcome.” The extent of kindness and generosity offered by local residents and businesses has led to Norwich and Hanover being considered one of the most hiker-friendly areas along the trail.
For those participating, it is a way to meet and assist some wonderful people and hear some amazing stories of adventures and exploits along the trail. In return for the kindness of helping or hosting a hiker, most trail angels’ only request is to “pay it forward.”
The local Trail Angel network is always looking to grow its list of volunteers. If you would like to join the effort, please reach out to Wren Wahrenberger at kwahrenberger@comcast.net
Thank you for considering this Public Service Announcement.
William W. Young
Thanks for reading my “ Newsletter about Norwich and your support”
Demo Sofronas