Hello Norwich
The Wood be event needs your help: Please read on to see how you can assist in this worthwhile project.
This photo was taken at a previous wood bee event
I have received notice that this years annual wood bee will be held on October 19th.
To see what this program is all about simply click on the “blue read full story link” below this photo to access the previous Wood Bee event story: This event was held in 2021 and will give you an idea of what you will be doing if you join the rest of the woodchucks on October 19th for this years event.
Here is another one that I did in 2019 and between these two stories you will get not only the true picture of what is required but also the whole story. Click on the blue read full story button below this photo also.
And here is the list serv posting for this years event:
The annual work day will be Saturday, October 19, starting at 9 am, at our woodlot on Beaver Meadow Rd in Norwich, 2.7 miles from the Norwich Inn. I hope you can join us for a morning of cutting, splitting, and stacking wood to help with heating for those in need.
Last year we provided 15 cords of warmth, directly as heat, and also as a tangible statement of care for our neighbors. We hear heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation when making deliveries. Our efforts are needed and make a real difference. This year we have already received 7 requests for assistance.
We’ll have splitters to run*, but there is lots you can do to help whether you operate machinery or not:
-move wood to the splitters
-move split wood to the shed
-stack wood in the shed
-provide refreshments
Please RSVP if you are likely to come. You’re also welcome to just show up, if your schedule allows at the last minute. Bring lunch/snacks, water, good gloves, and hearing protection. Bring a friend and spread the word.
Let’s hope for good weather, as is currently forecast. As Harvey Reid says in his song _Old Portsmouth Town_, “work wakes us early, but work keeps us warm."
Many thanks,
*if you have a splitter or wheelbarrow you can bring or loan for the day, we would welcome it. We refuel with ethanol-free gas. Please contact me directly to work out the details.
You can get in touch with Eric by emailing him at:
Our goal wood bee to fill these stalls with nice dry wood to heat the homes of those in need as was done in this photo taken from my previous stories on this topic.
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