Hello Norwich and Upper Valley residents, hope all are well and are hunkering down .
I am posting this announcement from the West Norwich Community Resilience Organization Co chairs Elizabeth McKinstry and Doreen Guilette. The story has a few links and their new website is unveiled. The new Norwich Neighborhood project link is included as well.

A sign of spring perhaps, No just last years photo!
Beaver Meadow Neighbors,
In the spirit of community outreach the West Norwich Community Resilience Organization (CRO) is excited to announce the launch of the Beaver Meadow Community website.
The purpose of the website is to allow community members to easily connect to their neighbors by sharing information and resources. Hopefully through this process of sharing we will build the connections necessary to soften the impact of this current Covid 19 crisis and reduce a sense of isolation.
The website highlights the historical roots of both the Schoolhouse and the Union Chapel in building the Meadow community. For many years these buildings have been the foundation for community gatherings and celebrations. Going forward the hope is to build off these traditions to strengthen community resilience and connection.
To explain one of the feature of the website under “Community” the drop down menu has 3 links Events, Bulletin Board and Blog.
Events: once the “social distancing” period has been lifted we look forward to announcing upcoming events in the community calendar.
Bulletin Board: is a format that allows for discussions related to community living.
Blog: this will give our community members an opportunity to showcase their talents by posting photographs, essays, poetry and art work. Suggestions of favorite recipes, book selections, items for sale/swap and any other general observations of life in the “Meadow.”
Included in the website is a link to the Norwich Neighborhood Project under Covid- 19 this was announced on the Norwich list serve last week. When you fill out the form it will help the district captains (Doreen Guillette & Elizabeth McKinstry) to assist community members who need services to connect to volunteers during the Covid -19 crisis.
I would like to publicly thank Amanda Kievet, a recent addition to the Meadow community for her willingness to volunteer for this project. Without her amazing creativity and attention to detail this website would never have come to life.
Be well and do take care of yourselves!
Elizabeth McKinstry
Doreen Guillette
West Norwich CRO Co-Chairs

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