Bike to school day 2020 COVID style-a photo essay
The route was redirected to make it a safer event and the result was a huge success.
This photo essay is just a small sample of the many photos that were taken for this event. The challenges that were placed by the COVID pandemic were overcome due to the efforts of many who came together to make it happen. Give yourself a hand for a job well done. The Police cadets helped with traffic control and parents and volunteers served as safety chaperones. Photo credits are courtesy of Emma Cottage, Chief Jennifer Frank and Alexa Manning.

Bringing them to school safely

The leadership team getting ready to give all the proper instructions to ensure a safe event.

Some children formed up here

Here some are leaving the library in a single file and well disciplined.

This group is heading over to the PD under watchful eye of one of the volunteers.

They used several locations to form up and all merged nicely just like a Stave puzzle.

Another group formed up at the Children’s Art Studio parking lot and were well supervised also.

Leaving the Norwich Police and Fire facility

The new route which worked well to minimize traffic backup and addressed safety concerns.

Here they come with the police providing the proper security

Followed by the principal Shawn Gonyaw, a volunteer and then the students.

All in a nice row with some social distance in between.

Escorting the bikers safely into school yard

The kindergarten and pre school children were well supervised and merged into the bike parade at the appropriate time.

I caught up with the Chief and the cadets after the event for this photo op. They were having their after action session to discuss how the event went and what if any adjustments were needed for the future.

Due to a prior commitment, I missed out on a free cup of coffee but I have two witnesses that can testify if need be so I can collect it in the future.
It was a fun event to cover and hope you enjoyed the story and photos.