Hello Norwich,
All of the pumpkin carving crew are proud of what they carved out today, and many Jack O’ lanterns will be on display in front of Tracy Hall when this project is completed. Take a peek and you will see that these pumpkins were made for you ,me and all of Norwich to enjoy. There were several tables of carving artists and all are smiling and enjoying their artistic creations.
Pumpkins are displayed along the fence in front of Tracy Hall and on some nearby main street buildings.
Here was the announcement from the Norwich recreation department advertising the event which was a huge success.
October 26th – Pumpkin carving is back! Thanks to Dan & Whits and the Norwich Business Association, we will be hosting a pumpkin carving on Saturday, October 26th from 3:00-5:00pm. Tables will be outside of Tracy Hall, with pumpkins ready to carve and place along Main Street.
After the safety training these carvers are ready to carve their creations
And now some are starting to take shape
Seem to be having fun at this table and really getting into it
But always taking time for a group photo
And now back to work as these pumpkins need to be cleaned out and then carved.
I could not pass up the little donuts at the refreshment table and the apple cider was great also.
A display table of pumpkins and a bear hug from mom
And a family photo
And here we have a production line of pumpkins being prepped
And now these are ready to carve also.