Check out the Hanover High School Marauder Motorcade photos and videos from today's parade.
Just a few here but more to come
Good evening Norwich and Upper Valley residents. If you were in Norwich today between 4:00 pm -5:30 pm, you might have heard sirens, seen some blue lights and red lights flashing on police cruisers and fire engines, and just a lot of noise coming from moving vehicles. You would have been right in the middle of a fun filled parade to congratulate the Hanover High School 2020 graduates.
I was at the Partridge House Bed and Breakfast at 383 Main Street with a few members of the Norwich Lions club who came out to meet the motorcade. I had an opportunity to take a video from this vantage point, and reached out to others to take some photos and or a video from other locations.
Chad Finer also was on hand somewhere on the route and did one of his famous drone fly-overs of the parade route and will be sending that along. Kyle Koehler will also be sending some photos, and there may be others.
I am including my video and one that I received from Cheryl Hermann in this story, and a few photos that were taken by Cheryl me, and Conner Koehler photography.
When I receive the others I will include them in a separate story, meanwhile however, you will be able to watch some here and now.
Here are the links:
View my shared video which is 10:26 minutes long
iCloud link available until Jul 13.
And here is a link for Cheryl’s photos and a video that is 2:03 minutes long
And here are some that I just received from Conner Koehler photography (quite a few in this link.)

Ciaran Geraghty on the balcony of the Patridge House B&B on Main Street

Ciaran and Rachael setting up to pass out free hot dogs to paraders.
Editors note: They were yummy.

A great day to take in a parade from across the street

The Grange doing it’s part to honor the graduates
More photos to come sooner rather than later in another phase perhaps.

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