Click-it or Ticket Campaign
Buckle up and drive safe, You could save a life, and it might be your own
Norwich VT Police Department
Click-It or Ticket Campaign: During the past 2 months, the number of vehicles travelling on the nation’s roadways has been greatly reduced. Despite there being fewer vehicles on the road, the State of Vermont has seen a severe spike in speeding and other motor-vehicle violations. This is due in part to law enforcement officers taking a cautionary approach to traffic enforcement in order to avoid close personal contact with motorists.
As a result, people are driving faster, and many states, particularly NY and VT have seen a spike in their fatal crash rates. Vt law enforcement agencies are urging everyone to buckle up and drive safely. For a 10-day period beginning Friday, May 22, 2020, law enforcement officers in Vt will be on a directed campaign, taking part in the 2020 Vt Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign.
The campaign which includes officers from various departments across the state has been traveling throughout various communities providing targeted geographical enforcement. Over the last week, officers from Windsor and Orange County have conducted enforcement in many towns to include: Royalton, Sharon, Woodstock, Plymouth, Bethel, Wethersfield, Plymouth and Barnard.
Yesterday, the task force conducted enforcement in our region to include the towns of Thetford, Norwich, Pomfret, Fairlee, and Strafford. We would like to remind all of our local motorists to be mindful of the rules of the road so that we can continue to keep our community safe. With fewer drivers on the roadways and less frequent travel, it is easy to forget.
Thank you for doing your part to help keep Norwich safe.

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