Here is the latest COVID-19 Update from the Norwich PD for you to review which appeared in todays List Serv
33. COVID-19 update: 02/17/2021
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 00:27:01 +0000
1. As of 2/17/21, more than 20,600 of the 33,200 Vermonters who are age 70-74 have made COVID-19 vaccination appointments (14.2% of population). As of 2/12/21, New Hampshire had vaccinated 123,000 people with the first dose of vaccine and provided 49,000 second doses of the vaccine.
2. COVID-19 Activity in VT:
- New cases: 59 (13,996 total)
- Currently hospitalized: 44
- Hospitalized in ICU: 8
- Hospitalized under investigation: 2
- Percent Positive (7-day average): 1.7%
- People tested: 320,798
- Total tests: 987,188
- Deaths: 191
3. Vermont follows the CDC guidance for vaccinated people exposed to someone with
COVID-19 listing the following people as exempt from quarantining:
- Fully vaccinated (had 2 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine and 2 weeks have passed)
- Are within 3 months of receiving the second dose of the vaccine
- Have not had any COVID-19 symptoms since the exposure.
4. 7 Day Increase in COVID-19 Cases by New England State: CT: 6,503, MA: 12,929, ME: 1,139, NH: 2,518, NY: 56,088, RI: 2,683
5. National COVID-19 Activity:
- 27,542,421 (+602,906) COVID-19 U.S. cases and 485,070 (+21,411) deaths
- 109,217,366 cases and 2,413,912 deaths worldwide
6. Plymouth State and University of New Hampshire shifted to online classes this week after a spike in covid-19 cases.
Chief Jennifer Frank, Norwich, VT Police
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT
(802)649-1460 (O), (802)649-1775 (F)