Here is your latest update released by Chief Jennifer M. Frank to keep you informed.
These are very informative and are read by many of my readers, so please take a moment to get the facts.

24. Daily COVID-19 update: Wednesday 05/13
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2020 21:36:22 +0000
1. Current VT COVID-19 case status:
• Positive test results: 929
• Total tests conducted: 21,676
• Deaths: 53
• Total people recovered: 789
• Hospitalized patients with COVID-19: 5
• Hospitalized patients under investigation for COVID-19: 12
2. VT COVID-19 Statistics Summary:
* The daily # of COVID-19 cases in VT peaked on 4/3.
* Most counties have reached a plateau in the # of new cases.
* Rates of COVID-19 are disproportionately high among Vermonters >80yoa
* Most Vermonters with COVID-19 are not hospitalized.
* Most COVID-19 deaths occurred in an inpatient hospital setting (44%) or a long-term care facility (50%).
3. 5/12 NH COVID-19 case status:
• NH Persons with COVID-19: 3,239 (+79)
• Recovered: 1,234 (38%) (+3)
• Deaths Attributed to COVID-19: 142 (4%) (+9)
• Total Current COVID-19 Cases: 1,863 (+67)
• Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19: 319 (10%) (+1)
• Current Hospitalizations: 121 (+4)
• Persons Tested Negative at Selected Laboratories: 33,977 (+1,576)
• Persons Being Monitored in NH: 3,325 (+300)
• 30 First Responders quarantined: 17 Fire, 13 Police
4. On 5/12, NH announced 81 new positive test results for COVID-19. There have been 3,239 cases of COVID-19 diagnosed in NH. Several cases are still under investigation. Of those with complete information, there are five individuals under the age of 18 and the rest are adults with 47% being female and 53% being male. The new cases reside in Hillsborough County other than Manchester and Nashua (28), Rockingham (14), Merrimack (9), Belknap (1), Cheshire (1), and Strafford (1) counties, and in the cities of Manchester (18) and Nashua (9).
5. Advance Transit is requiring face coverings for all riders.
6. The Vt Retail Grocers’ Association reports the supply chain is in good shape outside of flour and yeast, sugar, paper and bath tissue, and cleaning products. COVID-19 has affected the meat processing workforce, and as a result retailers are seeing a significant increase in the cost of meat. Meat prices are expected to increase over the coming weeks and months.
• Bread – The supply is good. More varieties continue to come back online.
• Flour – Flour and yeast have limited supply and it is challenging to keep up with demand.
• Sugar – The supply is still working to catch up.
• Milk – The supply is good, with no issues.
• Eggs – Costs are stabilizing, though other parts of supply chain (e.g., packaging) are still working to catch up.
• Cheese – The supply is good, with no issues.
• Paper & Bath Tissue – The supply of paper towels continues to improve. Demand for bath tissue continues to drop, but is still higher than normal.
• Wipes, Hand Sanitizer, Isopropyl Alcohol – Demand is still high. Local distillers are working to fill the gap. Stores are receiving supply, but the product sells quickly.
• Meat – Retailers are seeing significant increases in the cost of meat. Costs are increasing on a national level. Some retailercosts have doubled over the past four weeks.
• Produce, Deli, Bakery – The supply is good.
• Pasta/Canned Veggies/Box Prepared Products – Varieties are still limited but the supply is good.
Chief J. Frank, Norwich, VT Police Department
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT
(802)649-1460 (Office), (802)649-1775 (Fax)

Thanks for reading