Here is the latest daily update that was in this mornings List Serve. I am sharing so you can see it and read from yet another source.
29. Daily COVID-19 update - Monday
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <Jennifer.Frank@vermont.gov>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 00:58:23 +0000
1. Current case status in Vermont:
• Positive test results: 926
• Total tests conducted: 20,871
• Deaths: 53
• Total people recovered: 785
• Hospitalized patients with COVID-19: 5
• Hospitalized patients under investigation for COVID-19: 9
2. Governor Scott announced a gradual reopening of the retail sector starting on 05/18. Stores will be required to stay under 25% of their maximum legal capacity and follow health and safety guidelines developed by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development.
3. An offense-minded testing strategy focused on health care staff and certain patients was announced 4/29, with an estimated 1,000 tests being performed each day.
4. New Hampshire COVID-19 Report:
• NH Persons with COVID-19: 3,160 (+89)
• Recovered: 1,231 (39%) (+2)
• Deaths Attributed to COVID-19: 133 (4%) (+0)
• Total Current COVID-19 Cases: 1,796 (+87)
• Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID-19: 318 (10%) (+3)
• Current Hospitalizations: 117 (+4)
• Persons Tested Negative at Selected Laboratories: 32,401(+678)
• Persons with Specimens Submitted to NH PHL: 12,728 (+40)
• Persons with Test Pending at NH PHL: 54 (-207)
• Persons Being Monitored in NH (approximate point in time): 3,025 (-125)
5. AOT is monitoring traffic mobility across the state borders. VT inbound border crossing traffic
- All borders: OOS = 915,902, VT= 965,738
- Rt10A Norwich border: Out of state plates (OOS) = 39,496, VT plates = 53,645
* Daily Rt10A inbound breakdown:
(5/8 Fri) OOS=1382, VT=1837
(5/9 Sat) OOS=896, VT=998
(5/10 Sun) OOS=728, VT=816
Link to resources and information:
Chief J. Frank, Norwich, VT Police Department
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT
(802)649-1460 (Office), (802)649-1775 (Fax)

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