Daily Covid-19 update for 4/2/2020
Includes past days activity as well as a useful resource guide
Here is the update for 4/2/2020 to provide some useful information. stay safe out there
27. Daily COVID update: 04-02-2020
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <Jennifer.Frank@vermont.gov>
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2020 00:50:31 +0000
1. Effective 04/08/20, the Transfer Station will no longer accept bulky items (e.g., mattresses, furniture, sofas, chairs, etc.) Only true construction material will be accepted.
2. Medical surge preparations: Gov. Scott announced additional medical surge locations to prepare for a surge of COVID-19 patients and the need for additional hospital and medical capacity. The state is creating two additional high capacity care sites for surge: one in Essex Junction at the Champlain Valley Exposition, which will provide 400 beds, and another in Rutland County, which will provide 150 beds.
3. Forecasting of COVID-19 cases: State officials project the “peak” of cases in VT to be between mid-to-late April and early May.
4. COVID unemployment insurance through CARES: Individuals are eligible if they are otherwise able and available to work but cannot work or are unemployed because they are:
▪ Diagnosed w/ or symptomatic for COVID-19
▪ Household member is diagnosed with COVID-19
▪ Caring for a family member with COVID-19
▪ Child’s school or childcare is closed
▪ Quarantined because of COVID-19
▪ Advised by health care provider to self-quarantine
▪ Unable to start job as a result of COVID-19
▪ Head of household died from COVID-19
▪ Quit job because of COVID-19
▪ Place of employment closed because of COVID-19
*Ineligible if they are: Able to telework or Receiving paid sick leave or paid leave benefits
1. Current COVID-19 Activity in Vermont:
Positive test results: 338
Total tests conducted: 4,711
Deaths: 17
People being monitored: 127
People who have completed monitoring: 677
Hospitalized patients with COVID-19: 29
Hospitalized patients under investigation for COVID-19: 42
1. From 3/7 - 3/20, a total of 36 Vermont residents tested positive for COVID-19. Characteristics and clinical features of these 36 cases are:
Age: The median age was 72.5 years (range: 22-97 years) 2/3rds were >65 years of age.
Sex: 58% were male, and 42% were female.
Health care workers: 3 (8%)
Geographic location: Most (53%) were from Chittenden County, and 17% were from Windsor County
Travel outside of Vermont: 9 (25%)
o U.S. only (within New England): 1
o U.S. only (outside New England): 4
o U.S. only (both within and outside of New England): 1
o Europe: 2
o Central America and U.S. (outside of New England): 1
1. Current COVID-19 Activity in New Hampshire:
NH Persons with COVID‐19: 479
Recovered: 101
Deaths Attributed to COVID‐19: 5
Total Current COVID‐19 Cases: 373
Persons Who Have Been Hospitalized for COVID‐19: 73
Persons Being Monitored in NH: 1,700
There are a total of 131 first responders in NH reported as quarantined: 48 Fire, 10 EMS, 73 Police. There are 12
first responder positive tests that have been reported
Link to COVID-19 resources and local information:
Chief J. Frank, Norwich, VT Police Department
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT 05055
(802)649-1460 (Office), (802)649-1775 (Fax)