Hello all, I am posting this so that Norwich parents are aware of these scheduled deliveries. The message is from Justin M Cambell
Dear HHS Students, Staff and Parents,
I’m writing today to share the plan for distributing school supplies during the closure period. We have an assortment of textbooks, novels, art supplies, etc. that some students need These items were placed in plastic bags last Friday and will be available for pick up (plan below) on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We will distribute additional items in the future via the same plan. We will arrange individual drop off scenarios as needed.
The plan:
Our bus company will transport the items to central locations (specific spots and times listed below) on Tuesday (3/24) and Wednesday (3/25).
We will notify families later today if we have an item for you and which location (it will be closest to your home) you should use.
We request that anyone willing and able to do so, drive to the location during the pick up times.
Please stay in your car and proceed up to the school bus. Our staff will ask for your last name and will deliver you the items we have for you.
Pick Up Locations and Times:
Norwich - MCS 1 - 5 pm
RMS 2 - 6 pm
Ray School 2 - 6 pm
Etna First Baptist Church 1 - 5 pm
Lyme School - 1 - 5 pm
Hartland Elementary School 1 - 3 pm
Windsor Elementary School 4 - 6 pm
Sharon Elementary School 2 - 6 pm
I hope you and your families are well during this trying time. Please reach out to me with any questions that arise.
Justin M. Campbell
Hanover High School

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