As I was walking over to take some photos for a new story, I happened to see this sign all snow covered and thought I should clean it off and take a photo to use as a cover photo for this story. (Yes, those are my footprints in the snow).
Nominations for the Norwich Women’s Club Citizen of the Year for 2020 are starting to come in. Now is your chance to make your choice for the Citizen of the year and the stewards of Norwich. Remember the old saying, The early bird gets the worm. I have cast my votes and although I was not the earliest bird in the flock, I may still get a piece of the worm.
Nominations for the Norwich Women's Club Citizen of the Year are trickling in
and it would be nice if they would flow...now is the time to have your voice heard!
Nominations are due by the end of the day on January 21, and the winner will be honored at the 9th annual Spring Gala to be on March 21st at the Norwich Town Hall.
Just a reminder: the Citizen of the Year need NOT live in Norwich, but they
should have had a positive impact on Norwich over the past year.
How do you nominate a candidate? Tell us why this person deserves recognition. Write a few paragraphs describing what you know of the candidate's achievements and why you think he or she has made a difference. That's all!
You can email your nomination to cheryl.l.herrmann@gmail.com or mail it to PO Box 191, Norwich, VT 05055.
The winner will be chosen by committee (Cheryl Herrmann, Chair. Lisa Christie, Rob Gurwitt, Don McCabe, Dan DeMars, Amy Miller Eberhardt, Stephanie McCaull) and honored at our Ninth Annual Spring Gala on Saturday, March 21, 2020.
The Gala is co-sponsored by the Norwich Women's Club and Ledyard National Bank. The winner will also receive the $500 Ledyard Grant to donate to the charity of his or her choice. Proceeds from the Gala fund the Norwich Women's Club Community Projects Fund, which pays for projects and improvements across town life. Last year's grants totaled over $35,000.
The Citizen of the Year Committee

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