Driver distraction is a major roadway safety concern. Hands free is the way to go
NPD has a gadget that can help with that
I would like to share this NPD article regarding distractions while driving with my readers and take a moment to ask “Can you hear me now?”
Please read the story below and if you think you can use one of these devices stop by and pick one up at the NPD for free. It just might help keep you safe while driving.
Norwich VT Police Department
2 hrs ·
Driver distraction remains a major roadway safety concern, and the impact of these preventable crashes are felt every day across the country. Crashes involving a distracted driver killed 3,142 people in 2019, up nearly 10 percent from the year before.
When a person reads a text while driving, his or her eyes are off the road for an average of five seconds. At 55 miles per hour, that is like driving the length of a football field while blindfolded. Please be mindful of the state law regarding hands free driving (23 V.S.A. § 1095b. Handheld use of portable electronic device prohibited).
If you are in need of a cell phone holder to assist you with hands free use of your cell phone, please stop by NPD to pick up a free vehicle cell phone mount.