Hello Norwich,
I thought I would share this e-mail that I received from the the Electric Lawn Company, as I know many residents are inquiring about this type of service.
Check out this link for more info: https://freihoferphotography.pixieset.com/electriclawn/
For the photo gallery click here : https://galleries.page.link/Wjz3G
Here are some recent photos taken of the crew at the Hemlock Ridge Condominiums in Wilder, VT. Use whichever photos you wish. Just in Norwich alone we are helping fifty lawns drastically cut emissions and practice sensible land stewardship. In total well over two hundred addresses have taken action with Rooted Gardens and The Electric Lawn.
We are always looking for enthusiastic young workers to help grow our business and increase (decrease?) our impact! Ten years ago, my wife, Krystyna Oszkinis, a Dartmouth '14 who majored in environmental studies, and I started our off grid farmstead on my family's land on Tigertown rd. Since then, we have successfully developed our off grid farm, created affordable housing on site, and have pivoted our focus towards the community at large to help others take climate action.
Krystyna runs the garden design and maintenance team, Rooted Gardens, while I run its lawn care division, The Electric Lawn.802 291 2228 feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Matt Stuarttheelectriclawn.com