Good morning Norwich and the Upper Valley. I would like to do a photo essay type story on feeding the front line workers. I know that there have been several snippets on the List Serv about some frontline workers who were awarded free lunches as a thank you for a job well done during this pandemic. I also know that some of these were donated by the good folks of Norwich and beyond. Thanks for that, what a nice gesture.
I would like to request that if anyone has any photos of the food deliveries made to these groups to please forward them to me and I will do a nice story on it.
I know that some hospital employees and others in the medical profession, the US Postal Service workers, Bonnie and Judy at the Town hall and the Norwich Police and Fire departments may have received a thank you meal.
I have attached a cover photo courtesy of the Norwich PD of a recent delivery made to them by John Pepper AKA chief worker bee at Boloco. The photo is to thank Boloco for their generosity and John for the personal delivery.
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