'Fun-Day' Friday (A short photo essay)
Photos of Marion Cross and Richmond Middle School students having fun
Good morning Norwich,
Here is a short photo essay of some students from the Marion Cross Elementary school and the Richmond Middle school. At the Marion Cross school there was an event called - Anything but a back pack day. It appears from the students in the photos that back packs had to be transported other than the usual way. The event at the Richmond Middle School school was a colorful Friday event where participating students came to school decked out in their most colorful attire.
What fun!
Lucas rolling along to school with his book bag in tow (photo taken by Molly Riordan).
Another alternative transportation method. Ryan and Rowan are having fun on their way home from school. I guess a free ride in a wheelbarrow is better than walking. I wonder if the bookbags made it into the wheelbarrow (photo taken by Emma Cottage).
Who needs Uber when you have Lolo and Zoe providing the transportation.
8th graders who participated in the colorful Friday event at their school
Photo courtesy of Emma Cottage
And a group photo with the crossing guard on their way home (photo taken by Emma Cottage).
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