On a recent morning, I lifted my blinds to see this awesome sight, the sun working it’s way to brighten our day.

And here it was last August in the morning at 7:24 am.
Hello Norwich and Upper Valley residents. I hope you are all coping well with the Covid-19 crisis. This story idea came to me when I opened the blinds one recent morning and saw the sun trying to inch it’s way up through the trees. I thought it was a unique and stunning photo. I decided to reach out to my readers and see how you all are dealing with this situation. I have asked Dan Fraser to post something in his morning post to advertise this idea.
I would love to do a photo essay if you will on some of the things that you are doing to keep on keeping on. If you wish please send your photos to aboutnorwich@gmail.com and I will add them to this story or do a new one if I have enough. It would be similar to the Halloween photo essay that I did last fall. I was approached a few days ago as I was out walking with my wife and asked why not do a story of all the people walking around. Social distancing has made it difficult to take photos so thus this new idea. Let the photos come to me.
To get the ball rolling along, I am including several photos in this story of things that I felt are relative to this story idea. Does anyone have a photo of the recent bell ringing at the Norwich Congregational Church?
Please help me show the community just how Norwich strong—we can be.
Upper Valley Business Alliance did a great job of providing this list of businesses that offer curbside and or delivery service. At least we can still order take out and curbside pickup and even get free delivery in some cases. Here is the link.
Enjoy the rest of the photos and please send more

In the meantime we can all have hope and look for that rainbow to return

A unique photo indeed

Hello, May I help you?

Even the USPS is getting a bit of teddy bear fever

A much knitted display or should I say needed display?

Guess what building I am looking out from!

You guessed it and this is my brother looking out the front window

You may be not be singing in the rain today but better days are ahead

See! That got you to smile.

Yes Norwich, this sign says it all
Looking forward to a nice assortment of photos for the photo essay

I’t’s about Norwich after all
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