Hello Norwich, Upper Valley residents and readers. This is a story about something that happened the other day. A teacher on his way to work/school stopped by my crossing station and said that he witnessed something that he had to share. Apparently, a small group of students wanted to have fun with the newly fallen snow prior to going into school.

They spotted the bench near the tree and thought they would attempt to make a fort.

They converged around the tree and thought how nice it would be to build a fort. One student started by placing a block of snow/ice onto a bench. Another member of the group said Oh, no, that won’t work. You have to do it like this. A third student chimed in and said you are both wrong, it has to go this way. Finally, one of the group who had not yet spoke probably said if we only had a plan we wouldn’t be arguing about this and instead would be building something.
And then the magic seemed to happen as the group was now working as one. Yes there were modifications along the way, but the end result was a completed project and not to shabby, I might add.

A side view
The next day this same group came out for recess and ran over to the fort yelling something like Wow! Ben, you are awesome and look what Ben did. Now I must tell you, I don’t know who Ben is, but I bet you he may have been the one who motivated the group with the plan idea, or just a worker bee who made it happen. Either way, these students learned the value of working as a team to complete the task.

Another view

They even have a lookout to keep an eye on things.

And these are the engineers

A project well done and noticed by others as you will see.
A little further down some other students decided they would use the newly made mountain of snow to practice their ski-jumping techniques (You see some of these students take ski lessons that are offered through a program which works closely with the school) They took turns showing each other the proper way to ski down and get back up the mountain. The next day however, it appears as though the fort idea sounded like a better gig as you can see by this photo. Do you think maybe there is some competition going on here?

Oh well, competition is a good thing, I guess

And it looks like it can be used for both a fort and a ski jump/slope. Please be safe though.

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