I am posting this announcement from Police Chief Jennifer Frank and the Norwich PD to keep you informed about the importance of having your residence properly identified with clear house numbers. They cannot help you if they cannot find you.
Can we find your house?
With the impending winter season fast approaching and finally upon us, the Norwich Police and Fire Departments would like to remind everyone to check the residential display numbers posted identifying their street address.
Are all of the numbers still showing on the mailbox, post, house or have they fallen off or faded over time?
Are the numbers placed high enough to remain visible and not obscured by snowbanks or new tree growth?
Are the numbers a contrasting color to the item they are secured to?
Are the numbers large enough to easily be seen from the roadway?
If you have a shared driveway, are both residential number directors visible from the end of the roadway?
In the event emergency services are needed at your home, we want to be sure that we are able to locate your home in a quick and efficient manner, especially as our ambulance services are provided by an out of town service that are less familiar with the location of homes in our community.
Thank you for helping us to keep you safe!