In town striping of roads will improve road markings.
This work is on going and will be completed shortly.

*ROADWORK* In-Town striping
Crosswalks and stop bars are being repainted throughout the downtown area of Norwich intermittently over the next several days. Please use caution when driving through town, and expect some traffic delays.

This photo is courtesy of Norwich PD. The rest were taken by me.
Here is an announcement from DPW director Larry Wiggins which appeared in the List Serv.
7. Norwich Pavement Marking
From: Larry Wiggins <>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 11:32:27 +0000
Norwich Residents:
Please be advised L&D Pavement Marking will be working on the in-town striping starting today from approximately 7AM to 6PM. L&D will provide traffic control. L&D Pavement Marking will only be striping crosswalks and stop bars. This work is expected to take several days depending on the weather.
Residents are asked to exercise caution driving during these times for the safety of the work crew. Thank you for your cooperation.
Larry Wiggins
Norwich Public Works Director

Beaver Meadow Road heading into town before repairs

DPW Director Larry Wiggins speaking to one of the Drivers for the contractor doing the work.

Grinding being done at end of Beaver Meadow towards Main Street

Safety warning signs in place

Traffic was reduced to one lane ahead

Main Street heading towards Union Village Road.

New striping on Turnpike Road and Main Street

Just rolling along

I needed to take a quick shoot and scoot out of the way

Mellow Yellow to match and coordinate (actually fire hydrant was painted earlier this Summer).

Beaver Meadow road with new paving ( Will be striped soon).

Church Street looking good and just in time for school opening next week.

Carpenter and Main Crosswalks look good and ready to go.

So it is Labor day weekend and we are resting up but will be rolling along again soon.

These cats mean business

Thanks for the great reporting Demo.