It's a dreary weather day today, however !
Hopefully this story of colorful photos and music will cheer you up
Good morning Norwich and Upper Valley residents,
Oh! what a dreary weather day we are having, one minute it is pouring rain then it is sunny and then it is windy and then back to the rain and the cycle repeats itself but not necessarily in that order. I thought it would be a perfect day to send you some nice photos compliments of Richard Neugass and his ‘Take a closer look’ series, who stated in his e-mail to me that the Northeast just wasn't producing flowers quick enough in early May, so he traveled to the west coast (Seattle, Portland and the Bay area). You'll see the results of this sojourn throughout the summer and these are just a sampling.
Pride of Madeira
Crossvine Bignonia
Oriental poppy
Oregon City strawberries
Asian Clematis
Japanese Campher trees
Bearded Iris
And now for some music that was previously recorded by Chad Finer
9. MUSIC IN THE UPPER VALLEY - The Finale (3 tunes) of RACHEL CLEMENTE'S harp concert recorded in Lebanon, New Hampshire on October 29, 2022
From: Chad <chad.finer@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2023 13:40:27 -0400
RACHEL CLEMENTE - A Finale (3 tunes) of her Harp Concert - performed in
Lebanon on October 29, 2022
Chad Finer
this was recorded in October 2022 - New recordings are on hold
And one more music video to keep you in the groove.
12. MUSIC IN THE UPPER VALLEY - ADAM BOYCE & DAVE RICHARD - A FINALE of 3 TUNES - Upstairs at Dan & Whits in Norwich, Vermont recorded on April 29, 2023
From: Chad <chad.finer@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2023 11:59:21 -0400
ADAM BOYCE and DAVE RICHARD - finale, 3 tunes - Upstairs at Dan & Whits in
Norwich on April 29, 2023
Chad Finer
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