It's about to get busier in Norwich
Several things are happening soon and all before the 2020 elections.
Hello All,
I am posting a few announcements of Norwich happenings that are coming up. The lazy hazy days of summer are almost over, back to school is happening soon and Norwich is on the move again, or at least it seems that way. Check out the variety of things to do, and even a job offer from SAU 70.

Should Norwich invest in infrastructure that could provide a safe walk route between the Village and Huntley Meadows Park along Beaver Meadow Road? We want to hear from you and your neighbors about the community need for the project, opportunities and challenges in the area, and anything else you’d like to share.
More information can be found on the Norwich website at
Miranda Bergmeier
Assistant to the Town Manager
Town of Norwich
P.O. Box 376
Norwich, VT 05055
802-649-1419 x101

This Soupathon photo was taken at the Grange Hall, and others are semi annually at the UUCUV hall but hold onto your hats as they have something new for you this time around, and it is on-line and safe to participate in. Check out the link below.
UUCUV Holds On-Line Auction
You may know the UUCUV from our Annual Book & Music Sale or from our semi-annual Soupathons. Please check out this year’s pandemic-inspired fund-raising effort.
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley “Fall into Fall On-Line Auction” will run the month of September, from September 1st to October 1st. Items up for bid include jewelry, Hermes silk scarf, art glass by Tunbridge artist Robin Mix, Simon Pearce wine glasses, gift certificates to local restaurants, Varujan Boghosian collage, boat rides on the Connecticut River, and much more. There is even a selection of low-priced items for kids to bid on.
Why not get a jump on your Holiday shopping?
All proceeds benefit the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley, and its programs in environmental and social justice.
Here is the link to the auction website:

SAU70 is hiring morning Bus Monitors, for both Norwich & Hanover
The job includes greeting students at each stop, taking the students' temperatures with a contactless thermometer prior to boarding, helping students to find assigned seats, making sure seatbelts are fastened, monitoring student behavior, and assisting the bus drivers with reinforcing rules and regulations.
$20 an hour from 6:30 - 8:30.
Please contact Karen Wright for more details
Tel 603-643-6050
Emma Cottage
Volunteer Coordinator
+1 802 299 1269
These photos are from last years event.

These photos were provided by Norwich Historical Society and are from last years auction.
I received this e-mail with some pertinent info to share with you.
Hi Demo,
The Antiques Show will look a little different this year as each dealer will have his or her own tent. That way we can really spread out. Masks will be required and exact change of $5 for admission is requested.
Here are a few photos of previous shows. The Vermont Collections Care and Conservation Alliance will be at the show all day providing free advice on how to care for your family heirlooms. You can bring something for them to examine or bring a photo of the heirloom. I included a photo of them examining a quilt.
From 1:00 - 3:00, Andrew Katz will be hosting our own "Antiques Road Show." You can bring an item for an informal appraisal. Donation of $5 appreciated for the appraisals which are first-come/first serve.
I also included a couple of photos of interesting items that were for sale last year. The rug dealers will be back--they are always popular.
Sarah Rooker, Director
Norwich Historical Society
277 Main Street / P.O. Box 1680
Norwich, VT 05055
Here are some more what’s it all about for your reading pleasure.
The Norwich Historical Society will be holding their 16th Antique Show on Saturday, Sept. 19 from 10 am to 3 pm. Here are the little written blurbs that we have put on the listserv:
Are you looking for the perfect antique for your home?
Are you wondering about your Grandmother's silver?
Come to the Norwich Antiques Show and talk to dealers from all over New England who can help you find just what you are looking for. Learn about your family heirlooms with our specialists. Dealers will have their own tents, spaced apart.
Saturday, September 19th 10am – 3 pm
Norwich Historical Society
277 Main Street, Norwich, VT
Admission: $5. Exact change needed
Masks required. 802-649-0124
Do you have heirlooms you want to know more about? Do you have inherited items you are looking to find new homes for? Do you want help finding out how to care for your treasured things? Come and meet the professionals from Collections Care & Conservation Alliance, Inc at the Norwich Historical Society's 16th Annual Norwich Antiques Show. Look for our tent, we'll be there from 10am-3. If your treasures are small enough to easily hand carry, bring them along, if not please feel free to bring a photograph. See you there!
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Annette