It's the flushing of the hydrants !
The Norwich Fire District flushes out their hydrants twice a year to clear out any sediment in the system.
One my way over to play some golf on one of the few nice weather days left before the season ends, I noticed some activity on main street and thought I would take a moment to check it out. The Norwich Fire district was conducting it’s twice annual flushing of the hydrants duty to keep the lines a flowing and remove sediment that builds up. I took a few photos and then went on my way.
Hey, What is Little red up to now?
I think this might be a clue
Something is happening here for sure
Looks like the fire hydrant is being flushed/cleaned out
This required maintenance happens twice a year
Check out the nice leftover foliage leaves that must have been blown around with the wind that we had the other day.