August 11, 2020 is the next time that voters will be exercising their right to vote. preparations are being made to ensure that it is done safely and accurately. There will be a separate story on that coming soon.
This story is about a special opportunity to exercise your vote and help your favorite non-profit win the grand prize, the beneficiary of the next fundraiser.
See Dan’s message to the community below.

It is about Norwich after all
As we know, this is a tough time for everyone, but especially our local non-profits. The work they do helps so many in our community survive. If it be food, shelter, childcare, health care, social work, etc. we need and depend on these organizations to keep Norwich and the Upper Valley strong, health and protected.
Here is a list of some of our local non-profits:
Listed alphabetically- backwards - (because hey our lives are all a bit upside down and backwards these days. Sometimes those that are last, need to be first).
Willing Hands
Valley Court Diversion
Upper Valley Aquatic Center
Stoneledge Stables
Safe Spaces
Public Health Council
Norwich Women's Club
Norwich Rec Council- John Girard Fund
Norwich Public Library
Norwich Lions Club
Norwich Historical Society
Norwich Child Care Center
Montshire Museum
JAG Black Theatre Productions
The Haven
Hartford-Norwich Holiday Basket Helpers
Now, I need your help and your vote (think of it as practice for Aug. 11 primary and Nov. 3 elections). Which of the above listed non-profits do you feel is in most need of some financial support? Based on your votes, we will make the winner(s) the beneficiary of our next fundraiser.
How do you do this? You stop by or send in (Cash or check made out to the Non-profit you think most essential in our community). You can't decide? Neither could I, so vote for more than one of them. Votes are $1.00 each.
So are you confused? Here is an example:
You love JAG and The Norwich Public Library. You write 2 separate checks (each made out to the respective organization) and send/bring them to me. $25.00 gets you 25 votes, $50.00, 50 votes. You can vote as often as you like and in any dollar amount. I will try to keep you updated here on the Listserv so you can follow the progress (and vote more if you want to get your favorite non-profit on the top of the list again). We will run this :"election" for about 2-4 weeks depending on how quickly votes come in. The best part is no one loses in this election- as each non profits will keep all the checks (votes) that they receive. Win/Win!
Mailing Address:
PO Box 157
Norwich, VT 05055
Thanks for keeping it local,