This photo essay contains several photos that were sent in to me and some that I took. Photo courtesy to Richard Neugass, and Shawn Gonyaw for their photos.
A nice patriotic photo to welcome in summer.
Guinea hens
Welcome Daisy!
The beekeeper
And the bees
I do believe he looks like the MCS principal Shawn Gonyaw
I had to yell out “Fore” after taking this golf shot as there were visitors out for a stroll that decided to check out the course. Do you think they will take out a membership?
Here is a ducky named “Lucky’.
Purple Clematis
Don’t worry, We will be back at the Norwich Fair next year
Robin’s Plantain or Blue Spring Daisy
A Saffron Crocus
And there are many reasons all around us to smile, just take a moment to notice.
A carnation
A mayflower azalea
Live for today and just let tomorrow come.
Looks like Vermont Department of Transportation is re-painting some road markings on main Street.
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