Let's all work together to get through this
My About Norwich newsletter will do it's part to get the word out

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Hello Norwich and Upper Valley readers and residents. Please bear with my many e-mails to you regarding news happenings in out and about Norwich. It appears that the Corona Virus has changed the lives of many and sooner rather than later many many more perhaps. The businesses in town are affected by all of the latest updates and each and every update can cause a great inconvenience to them and their employees.
They are trying different things and are coming up with innovative approaches to provide you with the best service and products that you so deserve and were getting prior to this National emergency.
I feel it is very important to put out accurate information in times like these, so therefore I will do my part to publish for them the new things that are transpiring. This is a free service as I do not get paid for any of this. You could sign up as a free subscriber though as the old saying goes “the more the merrier”.
You have seen a few stories already I am sure and will probably see a few more. I do not have facebook so you will need to reach me at aboutnorwich@gmail.com if you want me to post something for you. Please be mindful, that I do not want to provide free advertising on a daily/weekly basis as that would cause me to be working full time at no pay. These are difficult times and we must all band together to get through this.
Check out the individual stories and reach out to the business of your choice. I am sure they will be appreciative.
Thanks for your support