Marion Cross will close for 1 week to develop a plan for remote learning options
They will carefully plan and implement the best remote learning options
This post is from an announcement that is on the Norwich Police facebook page. I am sharing it with you so that you will be informed. I have included a message from the Superintendent of Schools Jay Badam at the end of this post, as it relates to this story. This message appeared on the Norwich List Serv this morning and is an important piece of info.

Beginning tomorrow, Monday, March 16, Marion Cross School will be closed for one week to plan and implement remote learning options. They plan to move to remote learning from March 23 through April 3, with a strong possibility of extension through the end of the semester. All VT schools are closed 3/18 - 4/06. All NH schools are closed through 4/3.Â

1. SAU 70 School Closure
From: Neil Odell <>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:23:15 -0400
Hello Norwich Listserve,
Please see the message below from Superintendent Jay Badams that was just sent to parents and caregivers of children in the SAU 70 school system (Norwich and Hanover Schools).
Tom Candon
Chair, Norwich School Board
Neil Odell
Chair, Dresden School Board
Dear SAU 70 School Community,
Based on guidance from our state leadership and local public health officials, we will be closing schools effective immediately.  Beginning tomorrow, Monday, March 16, we will be closed for one week to plan and implement remote learning options for each of our schools.  In keeping with state planning, we will plan to move to remote learning from March 23 through April 3, with a strong possibility of extension through the end of the semester.  We will continue to stay in close contact with our public health officials and our state leaders as we determine what role our schools will be able to play as we move forward. I will communicate through this School Messenger system on a daily basis to ensure that we are able to work together to see each other and our community through this public health emergency.  I will contact employees later this evening to provide more detail about our plans for the days and weeks to come.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed thoughtful insight through this challenging situation.  Your messages of support, constructive criticism, and offers of help have been truly valuable and greatly appreciated. Â
Jay Badams