MCS 6th graders are having a car wash
Help them out with their graduation activities and class gift!
Rub a dub dub, the MCS 6th graders will give your car a scrub for a donation!
6th Grade Car Wash Fundraiser!
From the 6th Grade Fundraising Committee:
Hi PTO community,
Does your car or truck need a bath? Please bring your vehicle and your donations this Saturday to support this 6th grade fundraiser for end of the year activities and class gift!
The 6th graders have not been able to run their usual bake sales this year due to COVID. Saturday they'll be washing cars! Please help them raise money for events and items to celebrate their graduation from MCS!
6th Grade Car Wash
When: This Saturday, May 1st, 1-4pm
Where - Two Locations:
1)Norwich Congregational Church, Church St. side (the white church right across from school)
2) Marion Cross School, turnaround, both sides of Demo's crosswalk
Price: By donation
Any questions? Please email Tracey (Mom of 6th grader Zoe) at