MCS and NPL have some new info for you to review.
Take a moment to look over the new information and stay safe out there
Hello Norwich and beyond, Today I am sharing some new information with you from the Norwich elementary school (MCS) and the Norwich Public Library (NPL).
MCS Cross Words
Important Dates
Norwich School Board Meeting (via Zoom) - Wednesday, March 3rd
Parent/Teacher Conferences (via Zoom) - Friday, March 5th
MCS In-service Day - Monday, March 8th
Tentative Last Day of School - June 24th
Message From The Principal
Dear MCS Community,
The third trimester will begin on March 9th. If any of you are considering a change from in person to remote or remote learning to in person instruction, this is the time to let me know. This is the last opportunity to change learning environments this school year. I would like to remind everyone that MCS has done a stellar job of keeping kids safe. We have not had any positive cases, and actually our absences due to illness are drastically lower this school year. I am confident that at this time we can keep students safe and healthy during in person learning. Please email if you are considering a change in the learning environment for your children.
Enjoy the week,
Message From Student Services
Thank you Chief Frank for everything you have done for the kids and families of Norwich!
Important Announcements about next year:
1. Pre-Registration is now open for NEW students to Marion Cross School for the 2021-2022 school year. Students that should pre-register are:
Any NEW student that has not previously been enrolled in any grade (PreK-6) at MCS
Any PreK student that plans to participate in a program other than MCS (Act 166)
Due to early education requirements, the capacity for the MCS Pre-K is 15 students. We are currently creating a priority order for Pre-K admissions that might need to be used if we go over our capacity. There are no enrollment limits for K-6.
Online pre-registration forms can be accessed by going to the parent portal on our website Please call the main office at 649-1703 ext 5111, if you need help registering. Please contact Greg Bagnato, Coordinator of Student Services at if you have any questions.
Have a Safe Week!
Greg Bagnato
School News and Information
Due to some changes at the State level to calculations of Norwich’s equalized pupil count and a proposed higher property dollar equivalent yield, the estimated education tax rate increase for FY22 is now at 3 cents, 1.83% higher than last year. We have posted a one-page update to provide background on this change and to address a couple of questions that have arisen regarding warrant articles on the Norwich and Dresden ballots to the SAU70 Business & Finance page: All other documents related to the Norwich and Dresden budget process also can be found on the SAU70 Business & Finance page. For Norwich-specific information, click “Norwich 2021-22.” For Dresden-specific information, click “Dresden 2021-22.”
We hope you can join us virtually at Monday’s Norwich Town Meeting at 7pm (the School Board presents first this year). Zoom links are included in the one-pager, referenced above.
Tom Candon and Neil Odell, Norwich School Board Budget Committee
The Montshire Museum has put together a spread about understanding the vaccine from a scientific standpoint. Please visit their website for more information.
Cookies from Girl Scout Troop 13123! Order now and get cookies in February. $5 per box. Choices:
Lemon-Up, Tagalongs, Trefoils, GS S'mores, Samoas, Do-si-dos, Thin Mints, Toffee-tastic (GF) Any questions email Dodi at or 802-249-2274.
Thank you,
Troop 13123
Health Office Information
If your child will be ABSENT or LATE, please email your child’s classroom teacher and include the office: and School Nurse:
If your child is ill, please contact Pam Hausler, School Nurse, to discuss Vermont guidelines related to return to school. 802-649-1703 x 5114 or email: Do not hesitate to contact the health office with any questions or concerns. Communication is essential during these times.
Update to VT travel guidelines:
I live in a border town. May I still travel to and from my neighboring town?
Vermont's travel policy recognizes that many Vermont border towns are culturally and economically inseparable from the neighboring state's border towns, and provides common sense relief from Vermont's quarantine policy for essential and necessary travel between border towns that occurs in the same day. Those living in Vermont may travel five miles into adjacent states without quarantining upon return to Vermont. Those living in adjacent states within five miles of the Vermont border may travel five miles into Vermont without quarantining.
Essential travel is defined as regular day-to-day travel that must occur for an individual's health, safety and economic security, including trips to the grocery store, the doctor, or work. Necessary travel includes travel to participate in an activity that you deem necessary to your physical or mental health – such as worship, going to a gym, getting a haircut, and participating in place-based outdoor recreation. This policy does not extend to cross state travel for activities such as social gatherings, dining at a restaurant or bar, or going to a purely entertainment indoor venue such as a movie theater or bowling alley.
Other states may not have safety protocols in place that are as stringent as Vermont's pandemic safety rules. Residents availing themselves of cross state travel under this policy may be putting themselves and their community at increased risk. When traveling, residents must follow Vermont's COVID-19 related health and safety rules, including mandatory masking and strict 6' physical distancing, when in Vermont or in a border community.
Winter Gear
With these cold temperatures, please make sure that your child has everything they need to be outside. They should have snow pants, a hat, gloves, and a winter jacket, and if possible a neck warmer. Classes go outside and it is important that your child feels comfortable while they are learning and playing outside.
Please remember to send your child with an extra pair of socks as well.
PTO Bulletin Board
Marion Cross School PTO
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And here is what is happening in March at the Norwich Public Library.
NPL offers curbside pickup for all items placed on hold in the library's catalog.
First Wednesdays | Various Useless and Pleasing Things: Crafty Children in the Nineteenth Century
Crafts for children as an activity were invented in the decades after the Civil War. Maura D’Amore shares scenes of planning, cutting, pasting, and constructing from the 1860s and 1870s that show a new appreciation for guided childhood tinkering.
7th Annual Peeps Diorama Contest
Create a scene from a favorite movie or tv show for this year's diorama contest!
How has your world changed in the past year? Help us create a community record in our vestibule, from A-Z.
Borrow the most current and back issues of thousands of magazines now via the libby app.
With support from the Friends of the Library, NPL now offers digital access to the NYTimes. A redeemed license and a NYTimes account of your own creation will allow access for 24 hours at a time.
Quello Concerts is the world’s largest collection of on-demand full-length performances, concert films, and more. Access available to cardholders through the RBDigital Platform.
Great Courses Collection offers hundreds of courses spanning thousands of in-depth video lectures on subjects like Science, Health & Wellness, and much more. Create a username and password of your choosing via RBDigital for access.
Norwich Public Library | PO Box 290, 368 Main Street, Norwich, VT 05055