Good Morning Norwich,
Here is the latest update from the principal and staff at MCS
Stay safe out there
Cross Words
Important Dates
Spirit Week, Monday February 8 - Friday, February 12 (details below)
Winter Break, School Closed - Monday, February 15 - Friday, February 19
Norwich School Board Meeting (via Zoom) - Wednesday, February 3rd
Parent/Teacher Conferences (via Zoom) - Friday, March 5th
MCS In-service Day - Monday, March 8th
Tentative Last Day of School - June 24th
Message From The Principal
Dear MCS Community,
The topic this week that reaped the most emails in my inbox is the date of the last day of the school year. I am heartened by the number of you who carefully read the Cross Words. Last week we calculated the date of the last day of school and placed it in the Cross Words. Vermont law requires that schools have no fewer than 175 student days. After the snow day this week, following that criteria, the last day of school would be June 24th.
Some of you have expressed that you have begun to make summer plans based upon the current school calendar. Others have expressed that after the challenges of this school year, everyone will need a nice long vacation! I agree that both are important. Because this has been an unusual school year in every way, we are working to verify the date of the last day of school with the Agency of Education. As soon as our research is done and we have a definite end day, that information will be shared with you.
Next week is officially MCS Spirit Week! As a way to build community, even when we can’t be together in shared spaces, we are having a Spirit Week. Here’s the line up:
Monday, February 8th: Hat Day
Tuesday, February 9th: Fancy Dress Up
Wednesday, February 10th: Superhero Day
Thursday, February 11th: MCS Theme Day (there are no official colors for MCS, just the owl mascot)
Friday, February 12th: Red, White and Pink (this is a district wide theme)
Please help your children remember to participate in the festivities!
Finally, I would like to offer my sincere appreciation for the smiles, thank yous, and kind comments that are received every morning at drop off time. This year is tough, and I look forward to your kindness. I continue to be thankful for the Norwich community.
Enjoy the weekend,
Message From Student Services
On Wednesday night Mr. Gonyaw and I shared MCS academic and behavioral data. School Wide our students are not only showing great scores but each grade has shown expected or above expected growth.
Get Ready for Spirit Week!
This is a fun video we made to help motivate us all!
Greg Bagnato
School News and Information
From The Norwich Public Library: Join us at 7 pm on Wednesday, February 17th to meet John Collins, aka the Paper Airplane Guy. John’s presentation combines the science of flight with the humble magic of ordinary paper and will inspire you to embrace the spirit of design and creativity.
We are co-sponsoring this online event along with the Howe, Hartford, and Quechee libraries.
Please follow the link to receive a zoom invitation:
Cookies from Girl Scout Troop 13123! Order now and get cookies in February. $5 per box. Choices:
Kinds are:
Lemon-Up, Tagalongs, Trefoils, GS S'mores, Samoas, Do-si-dos, Thin Mints, Toffee-tastic (GF) Any questions email Dodi at or 802-249-2274.
Thank you,
Troop 13123
Health Office Information
If your child will be ABSENT or LATE, please email your child’s classroom teacher and include the office: and School Nurse:
If your child is ill, please contact Pam Hausler, School Nurse, to discuss Vermont guidelines related to return to school. 802-649-1703 x 5114 or email: Do not hesitate to contact the health office with any questions or concerns. Communication is essential during these times.
We appreciate that you are doing the daily health screenings with your children prior to coming to school and keeping them home when they are not feeling well and/or have the following symptoms:
• Cough
• Fever (100.4 or greater)
• Shortness of breath
• Chills
• Fatigue
• Muscle pain or body aches
• Headache
• Sore throat
• Loss of taste or smell
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea (diarrhea is defined as frequent loose or watery stools compared to child’s normal pattern)
We have had many questions related to get-togethers with others outside of their household. During the holidays, Governor Scott had changed these guidelines and allowed get-togethers with one other trusted household. As of January 2, these guidelines have changed back and you may not gather with anyone you don’t live with inside your home.
If you are around people that you don’t live with, the VT Department of Health suggests the following for safety:
Six-Foot Spaces - Are people staying at least 6 feet away from each other?
Masks on Faces – Are people wearing face masks?
Uncrowded Places – Is there enough space to spread out? Is it outside?
Helpful link from the VT Dept. of Health:
For other travel questions, please refer to:
Please communicate with the health office with any questions.
With some parents being vaccinated, please remember that travel outside of Vermont is still prohibited without quarantining upon return to Vermont. Please refer to travel guidelines above.
Super Bowl Sunday is a time when many get together. Please remember that this is not allowed. Governor Scott discussed this at today's press conference and is very concerned about Vermonters not following safe guidelines. He reminded people of the increase in cases around Halloween when people gathered.
CDC shared this information about Safer Ways to Enjoy the Super Bowl
Gather virtually with people and have a virtual watch party.
Share recipes of your favorite super bowl recipes.
Start a text group with other fans to chat about the game while watching.
If your child has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID 19 then they may not attend school. According to the CDC, a close contact is someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before illness onset or 48 hours before a positive test result until the time the patient with COVID 19 is isolated (these guidelines may change but this is the current information). Anyone who has been in close contact will be asked to quarantine. The school will work closely with the VT department of health and the SAU to assure accurate contact tracing for the time the child or staff member was in school. The school may not be involved if the child or staff member was not in school 48 hours prior to the positive test result.
Please understand that all steps are being taken to maintain a healthy school environment. We understand the need to have our students in school and if your child does not feel well at school then parents will be asked to pick up their child ASAP. We appreciate your cooperation.
Winter Gear
With these cold temperatures, please make sure that your child has everything they need to be outside. They should have snow pants, a hat, gloves, and a winter jacket, and if possible a neck warmer. Classes go outside and it is important that your child feels comfortable while they are learning and playing outside.
Please remember to send your child with an extra pair of socks as well.
PTO Bulletin Board
The Tea Towels have arrived! If you ordered Tea Towels, they will be given to your student to bring home. If you have any questions, please reach out to PTO Tea Towel Chair Ashley Clapp at There are a few extra towels available for last-minute purchase.
Next Friday, February 12th, in place of the traditional Valentine's Potluck Brunch the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade families usually prepare for the staff, we are instead treating all staff at MCS to breakfast from Dan & Whits. Staff will be able to order their choice of breakfast sandwich along with coffee, and pick it up on their way to school. If you're a member of the MCS staff, be on the lookout for your order form coming via PTO email this weekend. Thank you to all the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade parents who donated (and continue to donate) to make this event possible.