MCS-Evacuation "drill" during a pandemic and a COVID 19 update.
Proper communication/interaction with staff and students makes it happen
I am posting to my blog to continue to keep you informed and if my blog helps reach out to more members of the community, then it is a win/win for all.

Photo and info courtesy of Norwich PD.
Like This Page · 22 hrs ·
Incredibly proud of all of the MCS staff and students today. They did an incredible job during todays evacuation drill! #MCS — at Marion W. Cross School.

34. COVID-19 Upate:
From: "Frank, Jennifer" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 22:52:04 +0000
1. COVID status in VT:
- Total cases* 1,661 (183 new cases in last 30 days)
- Currently hospitalized 1
- Hospitalized under investigation 4
- Total people recovered 1,480
- Deaths 58 (0 deaths in last 30 days)
- People tested 147,306
- Travelers monitored 552
- Contacts monitored 59
- People completed monitoring 8,103
2. COVID status regional:
- Nationally: 6,343,562 (+256,159) cases and 190,262 (+5,170) domestic fatalities. - World: 27,688,740 cases and 899,315 deaths
3. Contact Tracing: Contact tracing is not a notification system. A contact tracer determines when a person was actually contagious, and identifies who they may have been within 6 feet of, for at least 15 minutes. They ensure the person knows how to isolate or quarantine, answer questions, provide support, and protect patient privacy. Vermont’s contact tracers interview 96% of people with COVID-19 within 24 hours of receiving their test result. This turnaround time ensures people can isolate themselves quickly and tracers can identify and reach out to anyone who was potentially exposed – critical to containing outbreaks and further spread of the virus.
- Outbreak cases under investigation 19
4. Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. This has been a year of extraordinary stress. People are anxious, feeling isolated and have pressures that can be difficult to navigate. All of which, for too many, may contribute to factors that may lead to thoughts of self-harm. As of 09/04, there have been 72 suicide deaths in Vermont this year. Reach out to others, be kind, and direct those who may be in need of assistance to:
Text the Crisis Text Line – text "VT" to 741741.
Veteran’s Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 Press 1
Chief Jennifer Frank, Norwich, VT Police Department
10 Hazen Street / P.O. Box 311, Norwich, VT 05055
(802)649-1460 (Office), (802)649-1775 (Fax)