Good Morning Norwich and the Upper Valley,
Here is the MCS newsletter with all the news about happenings and things to come this week at the school. Enjoy!
Friday, September 29, 2023
Important Dates
Wednesday, October 4 - Walk & Bike to School Day
Friday, October 6 - Teacher In-Service, No School for Students
Monday, October 9 - Holiday, No School for Students
Friday, October 20 - Conferences, No School for Students
Friday, October 27 - Picture Day
Marion Cross School Website Calendar SAU 70 All School/District Website Calendar
Message From The Principal
Welcome back 100s Club! For those of you returning to MCS, you may remember the 100s Club. For new families, here is a brief description. At MCS, we believe in recognizing students for doing the right thing. Being a Positive Behavior, Intervention, and Support (PBIS) school, we subscribe to the belief that more attention should be given to positive behavior than unexpected behaviors.
The 100s Club is a way to appreciate students who are consistently following Who’s Wise Words by being Kind, Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. Each day two teachers in our building are each on the lookout for a student to recognize. When a student is noticed, a 100s Club ticket is given that captures how the student is following Who’s Wise Words. After being given a ticket, the student brings that ticket to the office. We appreciate our newest member to the club by contacting the family, adding this accomplishment to the school announcements, and adding the ticket to the 100s Club board in the hallway. When we have a row or column fill up on the 100s Club, those ten students have a celebration with Mr. Bagnato, Ms. Keel, and me.
If your child is recognized, it is a good reason to celebrate at home. Remember, only two children are recognized each day!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Student Services Update
It took Marion Cross school students seventeen school days to fill the School Celebration Aquarium. Since we have estimated that there are 10,000 compliments (Positive Pellets) in the Aquarium…that means we were averaging just over 588 recorded compliments a day!
Tuesday at 2:30 the whole school celebrated by singing a couple of songs led by Mr. Dean and Mr. Ramsey and then enjoying the gorgeous day with a whole school recess.
Have a great weekend,
School News and Information
Health Office
Covid testing is not required for illness this year but is encouraged. Guidelines, based on CDC if you test positive are below. If you would like some free Covid test you may order them with the link below. I am not testing in the school health office this year.
Families can order 4 free Covid testing kits
SAU #70 Covid Guidelines for 2023-24
We are following the CDC guidelines for Covid this year.
Please stay home when you are sick with an illness and return when you are fever free for 24 hours without using any fever reducing medication and symptoms are improving.
The Math Team Needs a Volunteer
We occasionally need somebody to help prep math materials for use in various grade levels. Get in touch with Ross McGee if you are interested. Thank you!
Interested in volunteering in our schools?
Want to know what volunteer opportunities are currently available?
If you answered 'yes' to either of the above questions, please take 2 minutes to fill out our Volunteer Opportunities form! Our district Coordinator of Volunteers will use this database to reach out to interested individuals throughout the year. Filling out this form allows us to tailor messages to activities you may be interested in assisting with.
Thanks in advance!
A group for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities that formed last year will begin meeting again this fall. If you are interested, please contact for more information
PTO Bulletin Board
MCS Directory
Thank you to everyone who updated/added their info to the directory! If you haven't sent in your payment yet, please do so as soon as possible so we can reach our fundraising goal of $4000. Checks should be made payable to the Norwich School District.
Wednesday, October 4th: Walk & Bike to School Day
All walkers and riders should be in their respective starting places by 7:25 am:
Riders in grades 2-6 will line up at Huntley Meadow
Riders in grades PreK, KG, and 1st grades will line up on Hazen Street by the library
Walkers will assemble in the library parking lot
Please SIGN UP HERE to volunteer to help. Thank you!
Questions? Please contact Molly Riordan:
Note: Main Street will be closed from Huntley Meadow to Beaver Meadow from approximately 7:30-7:40 am on Oct 4.
Thursday, October 5th: PTO Meeting, MCS Library, 7pm
Please join us for updates from Mr. Gonyaw, Norwich School Board, Norwich Rec, and PTO Executive Committee to learn about events we have planned this fall!
Friday, October 13th: Fall Grant Requests Due
Any member of the MCS community can submit a grant request for an item or program that supports MCS students. The fall grant cycle closes Friday, Oct 13.
Month of October: Halloween Candy Collection
It's that time of year again! The PTO will be collecting bags of candy until October 30th for in-town homes that host over 500 trick-or-treaters on Halloween night!
Collection boxes will be in the following locations: Dan & Whits, Norwich Nursery School, Norwich Public Library, Marion Cross School Office.
All Year: Box Tops
What was once an arduous process has been radically simplified! No more clipping cardboard squares, simply download the Box Top App and register to earn money for our school!
Courtesy Community Interest Posts
22 Church Street
Norwich, Vermont
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