MCS newsletter - another week - another adventure and lot's of learning too!
Marion Cross School- A happening place in a quaint little town
Good morning Norwich and beyond,
I would like to share the Marion Cross School newsletter with my readers as it is very informative, not only for the day to day school activities/happenings, but also for the other community announcements that are usually sent in and listed. There is a Community Interest link that you might not be aware of.
Here is the link: Courtesy Community Interest Posts
And now for the main event if you will , I would like to present this weeks edition of Who’s Wise Words.
Friday, November 3, 2023
Important Dates
Friday, November 10 - Holiday, School Closed
Tuesday, November 14 - Picture Retakes - 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thursday, November 16, 5:30pm - MCS Curriculum Night (Math Focus)
Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, November 24 - Thanksgiving Break, No School
Marion Cross School Website Calendar SAU 70 All School/District Website Calendar
Message From The Principal
Happy Friday! Sickness visited our school this week. Today was the worst day with a number of students and many staff members out.
Today was a great example of the MCS staff showing incredible flexibility to allow us to stay open. I would like to give a huge shoutout to our education assistants. Very often we are in a situation at 7:45 AM where a classroom is without a teacher for the day, without a substitute on the horizon. In these instances, we depend upon our education assistants to move from their position and teach for the day. We are fortunate to have talented and dedicated education assistants who are willing to show flexibility. Because of the chain reaction, appreciation also goes out to our special educators who adjust their schedules to make certain that students who rely upon education assistants are still supported.
On days when we have a multitude of staff out, we have to cancel specific specials classes. That was the case with music and guidance on some days this week. This not only means that students miss out on a special, but also that classroom teachers do not have as much planning and prep time. Finally, a huge appreciation goes out to the substitutes who come to our rescue! We greatly appreciate those of you who have gone through the process to be our substitute list. Parents and family members make outstanding substitutes! (There are some questions and answers below if you would like to apply)
To curb this spread of sickness, we all need to be vigilant about illness. As a staff we have set an expectation of staying home when ill. Please help us by keeping children home when they are not well. It only takes one sick individual in our school to spread sickness that impacts many, many people. We are working on our end to reinforce handwashing, cover mouths when coughing, keep surfaces clean, and use our air purifiers. Hopefully, together, we can bring down the
number of sick people in our school.
Have a lovely weekend,
Student Services Update
Winter Coat Drive
One of our school expectations is to be kind. A couple of classrooms are helping me organize a Winter Coat drive for The Upper Valley Haven. Specifically we are accepting donations of wool socks, snow pants, warm winter coats, scarves, hats, and gloves. All items should be in good condition.
This Drive will be occurring between Monday, November 6th to Friday, November 17th. This is the perfect time to sort through your closets and see what warm items (see above) you no longer need and would like to donate.
Donations should be dropped off in my office. If anyone would like to volunteer to help me drop off the items on Friday, November 17th between 9 and 3. Please let me know.
School News and Information
The Kindergarten teachers are looking for used outdoor gear to help outfit our students for Forest Fridays. We need the gear to be in fair to good condition hand-me-down waterproof mittens, jackets, snow pants and rain pants. If you have any of these items that are Kindergarten sizes please drop them off at Heidi Freeman's classroom, Room 156, the hallway between the gym and cafeteria. Thank you!
Books, Books, and More Books
Did you know that your child has access to a wonderful collection of ebooks and audiobooks through the MCS library? Sora offers a wide range of high interest books that can be checked out from any internet connection in the world. Books can be downloaded to be enjoyed anytime, anywhere and they automatically return on the due date (no overdue books!). Instant gratification for voracious readers, yes please!
What I love most about Sora is the access to audiobooks. Audiobooks are a great way to build more stories into your child’s life. My kids love to listen to audiobooks while in the car, walking the dog, shooting baskets, or cleaning their room. An added bonus, a good audiobook in the car goes a long way to keeping the sibling peace. To learn more about the benefits of audiobooks, check out this article from Reading Rocket.
Getting started with Sora
Step 1: Install the Sora app from your app store or go to soraapp.com.
Step 2: In Sora, select Vermont Schools Shared Digital Collection anthen Marion W. Cross School
Username: firstname lastname (one word, all lowercase) ex. marioncross
Password: 4 letter word followed by 4 numbers (this is the password your child uses for computer access at MCS) ex. Read1234
Step 3: Browse the Explore tab and borrow an ebook or audiobook. Your book will open so you can start reading right away.
Step 4: Close the book and go to the shelf to see all your books From there, you can:
Select Open book or Open audiobook to read or listen to the book.
Select Options to renew or return the book, see your notes and highlights, and more.
Step 5: Want access to even more books? You can add the public library collection to your Sora account by clicking on the menu button in the top right corner and selecting add library.
Learn more here. Having trouble getting set-up? Please reach out to me and I would be happy to help you navigate the login process. jillianvanells@hanovernorwichschools.org
From the Art Room:
Grade 4 pumpkins inspired by artist Yayoi Kusama
Grade 6 Op Art
Grade 3 Tints, Shades, and Spooky Silhouettes
Can you help by becoming a substitute??
Some of you expressed interest in being on the substitute list. There were some questions that came up that are relevant to anyone with interest.
Do I have to apply to be a substitute? Yes, there is an online form that needs to be filled out to get on the substitute list. This link will take you to the online application.
If I am already a volunteer, is the process quicker? Yes, if you have gone through the background check, that speeds up the process.
Do I need to have a formal interview? Yes, typically a 15 minute conversation with the HR department over Zoom is all that is required.
Can I decide which grades and/or teachers I substitute for? Yes, you can select the days you are available and the teachers you substitute for.
What if I need several days advance notice to adjust my schedule in order to substitute? That works just fine for us. Oftentimes, teachers know about appointments or professional development days weeks in advance. Once part of our system, you can be alerted about substitute opportunities that are several days or even weeks in the future.
PTO Bulletin Board
We would like to thank all in-town families who welcomed trick-or-treaters on Tuesday evening, everyone who donated Halloween candy to support them, and Molly Gentine & Stephanie Hamilton for organizing the candy collection and distribution again this year!
November 1-17: The MCS PTO is holding a Food Drive for The Haven until November 17. We are collecting one of the Haven’s most needed items: Oatmeal Packets. There are collection bins at both the front entrance and the back entrance (by the gym). Please contribute, if you can, to support those in need in the Upper Valley!
November & December: Staff Birthday Celebrations
Please SIGN UP HERE to bring in treats for the staff to have a monthly communal birthday celebration at their staff meetings. A cake, a dozen cupcakes, a pan of brownies, etc. would be appreciated! We still need one more volunteer for November 8 (gluten free dessert)!
December 9: Gift Making Festival - Volunteers needed! The Gift Making Festival is a lovely MCS tradition, where kids can spend the afternoon making handmade items to give as holiday gifts. We need volunteers to help us run this event: if you are crafty, patient, or just happy to get creative with MCS students, we’d love to hear from you! Please e-mail Leah Fosco at lcfosco@gmail.com.
Courtesy Community Interest Posts
22 Church Street
Norwich, Vermont