Good Morning Norwich,
This is a reminder of some events that are happening on or near the green in Norwich tomorrow , Sunday May 29, 2022.
I was asked to remind you of a special Memorial day church service at St Barnabas Episcopal church and here is the link for more info if interested.
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Memorial Day 2022
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church
The Rev. Jennie Anderson, Priest-in-partnership
262 Main St, P.O. Box 306, Norwich, Vermont 05055
Phone 802-649-1923 Mobile 802-281-2884
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Memorial Day, 2022
Prelude Organ Opening Hymn 716 God Bless Our Native Land
A memorial day ceremony will be held at the town monuments at Tracy Hall
There will not be a Memorial Day parade this year.
In lieu of a parade the American Legion will be holding a Memorial day ceremony at the Norwich Town Hall monuments site. The ceremony will begin at 12:00 noon and will be followed by refreshments on the Green. As of this writing, there will be a band performing on the Gazebo so that those attending can enjoy some music along with the refreshments. On behalf of the American Legion Post # 8, I invite all who wish to attend to meet at the monument site at 12:00 noon. I hope to see you there.
This notice appeared in the Thursday List Serve announcements and I thought I would share it with you
29. Veteran History
From: Sarah Rooker <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2022 15:21:50 -0400
Hi Norwich,
We'll be on the green on Sunday at noon with a small popup exhibit about
our Veterans. Here's your chance to learn where the "Tracy" in Tracy Hall
came from. Our exhibit , "Mending the Spaces Between" will also be open
from noon - 4pm. Free.
The exhibit is based on a vandalized Bible in the Norwich Historical
Society collection providing opportunities to reflect and contemplate about
how can learn from the past. 22 artists and poets respond to questions
about how we can mend our world, find ways to listen, and work together.
Sarah Rooker, Director
Norwich Historical Society
277 Main Street / P.O. Box 1680
Norwich, VT 05055