Here is the latest update from the world of MCS brought to you by the MCS principal and his staff. It is a very informative newsletter if you will especially if you have children in the school, but can also serve as good info for other residents in Norwich and beyond just to keep them in the know.

Message From the Principal
Dear MCS Families, Â
This week I will give you a break from my hobby farm. Except to share these two photos I took on either end of the day Wednesday!Â

These two photos are from his Hobby farm, but to me it sounds like work

 The June 5th date for the close of remote learning is fast approaching. As I mentioned last week, the two weeks following this date will be used for planning. This planning will have the following purposes…
Identify what standards were not able to be taught through the remote learning platform. Determine which of these standards are essential for success in the coming school year. And make a play for incorporating this learning into the program for next school year.Â
Make a plan for remote learning, in the likely event that we will be required to start the year with remote learning. Now that we know more about remote learning, we can improve our approach. We will also need to develop a plan that is designed for acquisition of new skills, with assessment of student understanding.
 To do this work, we need your help. Each family has direct experience with how remote learning has worked this year. In order to better improve our model to meet the needs of the families we serve, your input is requested. Please take a few moments to complete the remote learning survey.  Please use this link.
Shawn Your feedback will help            Â
Parent Nights
This coming week Nurse Pam, Katie, Mr. Bagnato, and Mr. Gonyaw will host the K-3 parent check in via Zoom. Please consider joining to share your thoughts, ask any questions, or just say hello! We have noticed that as the weather improves, the number of participants have dropped. I guess we are not as popular as sunshine and green grass. :-)Â
Topic: K-3rd Grade Parent Check-In
Time: May 27, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 918 8664 7425
Password: 485858
Topic: 4th, 5th and 6th Grade Parent Check-in
Time: June 4, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 992 5039 4755Â
Password: 394550
Wishing you well,
Important Dates
May 25 - Holiday, No School
June 5 - Last day of student instruction
School News and Information
Virtual Field Days are coming!   We can not have our super, fun, regular field day but fear not my friends , we are having the first ever MCS Virtual Field Days. Mark your calendar for events and challenges made by the Related Arts teachers for May 27-June 2. Details will be on your teacher’s workboards and classrooms.  Have a Blast! Mr Newton.
How to Return MCS Library Books
There’s a cart in the vestibule on the right side as you enter where you can place your library books.
This cart is only for library books. There is a different location for class books.
Please practice appropriate social distancing and wait outside to return your books if someone else is in the vestibule.
The vestibule is open from 7:00am until 6:00 pm
Please return all library books by June 8th.Â
Contact Joy Blongewicz if you have questions.Â
Thank you very much! Â

The Procedure for Returning Class Books
In the vestibule on the left side, there is a bin for each grade level. Â
Place your books in the appropriate bin.Â
Please practice appropriate social distancing and wait outside to return your books if someone else is in the vestibule.Â
NOTE: The vestibule is open from 7:00am until 6:00 pm

Mia Pageau with her homemade instrument!
Spring is here!  The Vegetable and Flower gardens need volunteers!Â
ISO Individuals and family volunteers to water, plan and weeding on weekly shifts.
Parent leadership is wanted to take on flower/ perennial garden organizing/ work.Â
Please sign up via this google doc or contact
Lindsay Putnam and Molly Riodan will provide support for the Vegetable garden.Â
MaryAnn Hollbrook (from the Norwich Women's Club, Triangle Garden) will provide support in flower identification and care.Â
Enjoy the reawakening of Spring!!!!
MCS Little Lending Library
Located on the ramp on the Church Street entrance. Please remember to social distance.Â

Read Up on Demo’s Newsletter!
Important Links
BoardDocs: Remember to select "Norwich School Board" in upper right hand corner after you click "Public Access"
Community Interest
Please see the Community Interest page on our website for more information. Please be advised, that these events are not school sanctioned, but may be of interest to our community members.Â
School Administrative Unit 70 would like to continue connecting with you via email. If you prefer to be removed from our list, please contact School Administrative Unit 70 directly. To stop receiving all email messages distributed through our SchoolMessenger service, follow this link and confirm:Â UnsubscribeSchoolMessenger is a notification service used by the nation's leading school systems to connect with parents, students and staff through voice, SMS text, email, and social media.

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